Halsey Sparks Twitter Debate By Saying Hotel Shampoo 'Alienates People Of Colour'

The problem is to assume 'normal' is to be 'white'.

Singer Halsey sparked a Twitter debate when she called out the hotel toiletry industry for only providing “perfumed watered down white people shampoo” and not catering for people of colour.

“I’ve been travelling for years now and it’s been so frustrating that the hotel toiletry industry entirely alienates people of colour,” she wrote.

I’ve been traveling for years now and it’s been so frustrating that the hotel toiletry industry entirely alienates people of color. I can’t use this perfumed watered down white people shampoo. Neither can 50% of ur customers. Annoying.

— h (@halsey) April 27, 2018

The tweet generated thousands of responses, with some saying this was not a racial problem as hotels stocked shampoo that wasn’t great for anyone’s hair.

I’m sorry, but this is so stupid...the shampoo they have in hotel bathrooms is CHEAP crap that really isn’t great for anyone’s hair, regardless of race. I know racism and inequality is still a big problem, but don’t create non-issues, it doesn’t help anyone. https://t.co/hAWZKa1q37

— Kimmi 💕 (@KimmiSmiles) April 28, 2018

But Halsey swerved those remarks by stating that the idea that “normal” was associated with “white” was the issue; and this trickles down to how people view hair.

I’ve been to hotels with fucking Hermès toiletries. The point is, people think “oh they just use normal cheap shampoo” but that’s because u associate “normal” with “white.” That’s not everyone’s standard. End of story. I’m good on the shampoo debate now lol. https://t.co/aZjz8opLTN

— h (@halsey) April 28, 2018

ur “normal” does not = everyone else’s. When u make white products the standard, it makes white the “normal”. I was only trying to provoke some thought about the way these things impact our perception. That’s all. 🤷🏻♀️ & yea, I agree, hotel shampoo just sucks in general!

— h (@halsey) April 28, 2018

For those that asked why the singer was bothered about complimentary shampoo, Halsey explained that the issue of not catering for people of colour goes beyond luxury hotel bathrooms, as it is also a problem she has encountered in psychiatric hospitals.

It’s not just hotels. I stayed in a psychiatric hospital as a teenager and they didn’t have hair products for any patients who were POC. It’s hard enough being in there as it is, but then ur gonna too feel ugly and dry n frizzy too? Nah. Anyways. Y’all still missing the point lol

— h (@halsey) April 28, 2018

Others asked Halsey to use her platform to tackle this issue and start a hair brand catering for everyone’s needs, especially those who are ignored.

Girl why you not using this to your advantage? START A BRAND. Universal hair care and separate products that cater to every person whether they're white, black or even bloody blue! Don't just rant about it, you have the power to change it, you have the platform to change it.

— Milly ☕️🌿 (@idcicanchangeit) April 28, 2018

But Halsey said she didn’t want to talk about shampoo again.

It’s about being made to feel unincluded. Which is, obviously, a far greater problem than shampoo. I never wanna talk about soap ever again lol. 🖕🏽💦

— h (@halsey) April 28, 2018

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