Giant Hammerhead Shark On The Hunt Will Keep You From Florida Forever

Migrating blacktips brought out the big predator for a close-to-shore buffet in a riveting video.

It doesn’t have to be “Shark Week” for great shark footage in Florida.

A stunning new video shared online Tuesday (watch below) shows a giant hammerhead shark hunting blacktip sharks just off the beach. It’s on the prowl in human-wading territory, but this buffet should be off-limits to anyone who hasn’t grown gills and sharp teeth.

Joshua Jorgensen’s drone footage, posted to his BlacktipH YouTube channel, reveals the large predator accelerating quickly for its size but being outmaneuvered by the smaller blacktips. That is, until one lonely blacktip becomes lunch.

The footage was filmed in February and March, Jorgensen told HuffPost on Thursday. “I’m always shocked to see how difficult it is for the hammerheads to actually catch the blacktips,” he said. “The hammerheads try very hard and fail 95% of the time. It’s also very incredible to see how shallow a 1,000-pound shark will go to try and eat another shark.”

Thousands of blacktip sharks migrate to South Florida every year, normally in winter, in search of more temperate waters and food.

“We welcome blacktip sharks back to South Florida because they are critically important to our ecosystem,” researcher Stephen Kajiura of Florida Atlantic University said on the school’s website. “They sweep through the waters and ‘spring clean’ as they weed out weak and sick fish, helping to preserve coral reefs and sea grasses.”

The hammerheads seem happy about their arrival, too.

The big fish make an immediate impression with their size. Hammerheads can range from 13 to 20 feet long and weigh up to 1,000 pounds, according to National Geographic. Blacktips can grow up to 8 feet and 220 pounds.

In other words, they better swim faster.

This article was updated with comments from Jorgensen.


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