Harry Styles Fans Hit Out At Concertgoer After Singer Is Hit In The Eye By Flying Skittle

The singer can be seen recoiling onstage after a member of the audience at his LA gig threw the sweet from the crowd.

Harry Styles fans have blasted a concertgoer after the singer was hit directly in the eye by a Skittle thrown by someone in the audience of a recent gig.

In video clips shared on social media, the As It Was singer can be seen recoiling after he’s hit by the flying sweet on stage at the Los Angeles gig on Monday night.

For the remainder of the show, Harry was seen touching and rubbing his eye and was visibly squinting.

A member of the singer’s band, Pauli Lovejoy, confirmed during an Instagram Live session that it was a Skittle that had been thrown at the singer.

Confirming that luckily Harry’s eye wasn’t injured, Lovejoy said: “But do me a favour – don’t throw no more Skittles on stage.”

Fans of the singer took to Twitter to share their anger at the incident…

like are you joking?? look how hard he recoils hope your eye is okay @Harry_Styles ❤️ pic.twitter.com/bqJzu4t6Y8

— miranda✊🏾✊🏽✊🏿 (@MirandaDawson99) November 15, 2022

whoever the fuck threw a solid object at his eye, u literally ruined kiwi bc he wouldn’t open his eye for the whole song pic.twitter.com/CRBWzsYqcc

— mandi🏠HARRY TALKED TO ME?? (@ibringthep0p) November 15, 2022

don’t throw shit onstage that’s going to hurt him what the actual fuck is the point of throwing skittles bro harry styles is not going to eat your random fucking dirty skittles stop it pic.twitter.com/W2F7sMO7GZ

— lj loves fitf (@charmingtommo) November 15, 2022

so you’re telling me harry recovered from the flu to get out there and perform for y’all only for you to throw SKITTLES AT HIS FACE AND HURT HIS EYE??? he performed all of kiwi like this oh im sick pic.twitter.com/chtCAGlwEH

— Vibes are immaculate here. (@pinkvirgoh) November 15, 2022

People are VERY lucky. I've been to gigs where artists would have walked off and not come back on stage. You can't blame them really. This crap needs to stop.

— Stagey Manc (@StageyManc) November 15, 2022

it’s about to be 7.9999999999999999 once i find out who threw skittles at Harry’s eye https://t.co/m4erYkScni

— ale ♡ TODAY (@stylesonvinyls) November 15, 2022

Ffs!! Stop this!!
If he eye was all swollen up from a skittle,imagine if some idiot throws something bigger at his eye? Then what?
Use your common sense, if you have any.
Stupid, stupid people.#TreatHarryWithKindness #HarryStyles #LoveOnTour https://t.co/j7xS6GxCMQ

— Lins🦋Fan Account (@HarryFan4Life_) November 15, 2022

whoever threw a skittle at Harry Styles’s eyeball I hope you step on a plug every day for the rest of your life

— ellia 🌻 (@ell_davisX) November 16, 2022

This isn’t the first time Harry has been hit by something thrown from the crowd at one of his gigs.

Last month, the singer was seen bent over in pain after one over-zealous fan lobbed an undisclosed item in his direction, only to hit him square in the groin.

Harry talking to the crowd before the Unfortunate
Event at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 14(via @glambygab) pic.twitter.com/XIDuwa4Ke9

— HSD Love On Tour (@hsdlot) October 15, 2022

After joking he needed to “shake it off”, he then got back in the zone and carried on with the rest of his show.

Anyway, can people stop throwing stuff at Harry please? Thanks.


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