#IStandWithHateSpeech Trends On Twitter In Fiery Debate Over Free Speech

#istandwithhatespeech Trended Today But It's Not As Bad As You Think - Mostly

#IStandWithHateSpeech Trends On Twitter In Fiery Debate Over Free Speech

If you logged onto Twitter this morning you'd be forgiven for thinking it had be overrun by racists as #IStandWithHateSpeech trended.

And to a degree, it was:

Every Muslim is a potential terrorist. At any moment, he may take the Quran's demands 2 kill the rest of us seriously#IStandWithHateSpeech

— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) June 1, 2016

Dig a little deeper however and you'll discover the hashtag is actually a discussion about free speech and censorship.

On Tuesday Facebook, Twitter, Google’s YouTube and Microsoft all pledged to work within an EU-regulated code of conduct to crack down on hate speech.

Across Europe online racism has been noticeably on the rise, fuelled by fear and insecurity over the refugee crisis:

#IStandWithHateSpeech because refugees are not welcome.

— JudenPhysikLügen (@deutsche_physik) June 1, 2016

European Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova said tackling illegal online hate speech would also target social media used by terrorist groups to radicalise young people and spread violence and hatred.

He added: "The recent terror attacks have reminded us of the urgent need to address illegal online hate speech."

The four web giants signed up to the EU deal will have the power to remove flagged content deemed to be hate speech using dedicated teams of moderators.

They will have to tread carefully balance between freedom of expression and hateful content:

If I tell you that homosexuality is sin and marriage is 1 man 1 woman does that mean #IStandWithHateSpeech ? Cuz that is what I believe.

— CopperCanyon77 (@grmason77) June 1, 2016

Muslims are being used like a virus by an enemy we aren't naming yet to infect our societies and strip our freedoms#IStandWithHateSpeech

— Jared Wyand (@JaredWyand) June 1, 2016

Many argue that censorship of views, no matter how vile they are, is not the approach we should take.

Censorship is more destructive and evil than all of the racism in the world. #IStandWithHateSpeech

— Hagbard Al-Hazred (@HagbardAlHazred) June 1, 2016

#IStandWithHateSpeech b/c hate speech is free speech. I may not agree with your opinion but i will fight for your right to have it.

— The Cartoon Loon (@TheCartoonLoon) June 1, 2016

#IStandWithHateSpeech because opinions were meant to be challenged with arguments, not silenced by censorship

— Bronwyn Stewart (@bastewart203) June 1, 2016

Others claimed "hate speech" as a term exists solely to shut down arguments counter to current liberal ideals:

I'd be #IStandWithHateSpeech if hatespeech was an actual thing, and not some contrived PC bullshit created by leftists to stifle free speech

— Gangster Actual (@GangsterActual) June 1, 2016

#IStandWithHateSpeech because the Regressive Left wants to label what they don't agree with as hate speech to SILENCE speech they don't like

— Michael Thorson (@Thorson_Viking) June 1, 2016

#IStandWithHateSpeech because the boundaries for free speech shouldn't be set by far-left bureaucrats

— Scott Greer (@ScottMGreer) June 1, 2016

#IStandWithHateSpeech because in Scotland you get charged for teaching your pug the Nazi salute as a joke.https://t.co/MmGlllD5yZ

— Derek Thornton (@DerekThornton71) May 31, 2016

The recent experiences of Jess Phillips illustrate the effect online abuse can have on people at the receiving end.

The Labour MP received rape threats just days after Phillips wrote in a blog on The Huffington Post UK last week to mark the start of the Reclaim The Internet campaign, aimed at ending sexist bullying on the internet.

She wrote about how she she was often accused of “trying to stifle freedom of speech”.

“I’ve been called the thought police, the Stasi and, as is currently so very de rigueur, a Nazi. I’m not trading secrets on the streets of East Berlin, holding rallies or burning books, I’m just saying “dude don’t be such a douche on the internet.

“The funny thing is about all the so-called libertarians on Twitter shouting up for free speech is that they are promoting the exact opposite.”

The debate over whether or not social media platforms should be the arbiters of what can and can not be said online is particularly prescient in light of reports that Facebook's trending news section routinely suppressed conservative views and outlets.

Former Facebook 'news curators' spoke out last month about how they were instructed to inject stories into the sidebar even if they weren't popular enough to warrant inclusion based the site's trending algorithm.

#istandwithhatespeech because Twitter and Facebook are politically biased, so how can we trust them to police 'hate speech fairly?

— Andrew Lappin (@Kobold68) June 1, 2016

#IStandWithHateSpeech. so is Twitter and Facebook gonna delete every message with the N-word in it? Or only allow rappers to use it or what?

— СтивАдамс SteveAdams (@ScarletnGrey1) June 1, 2016

@tapirspit Facebook considers any conservative opinion on immigration to be hate speech. That's left wing fascism. #IStandWithHateSpeech

— Uncuck America (@anonymousdorito) June 1, 2016

Stories by conservative sites such as Breitbart would only be picked up if they were also covered by more mainstream outlets such as the BBC, the report said.

In the UK police have already taken action against a number of individuals after the posted inflammatory comments online.

Earlier this year, Matthew Doyle, 46, swiftly became infamous after he confronted a random Muslim woman in Croydon demanding an explanation for the Brussels terror attacks - and then tweeted about it.

The tweet from Matthew Doyle that started it all
The tweet from Matthew Doyle that started it all

Initially Doyle - who works for a PR company - attempted to explain the tweet as a publicity stunt, but soon let slip his true feelings.

@Gweskoyen It is all a wind up !

— Matthew P Doyle (@MatthewDoyle31) March 23, 2016

Who cares if I insulted some towelhead ?? Really.

— Matthew P Doyle (@MatthewDoyle31) March 23, 2016

He was later arrested at his home on suspicion of inciting racial hatred on social media.

In 2012 a student, Liam Stacey, 21, was jailed for 56 days for tweeting racial slurs about footballer Fabrice Muamba soon after he collapsed during a FA Cup tie at Tottenham.


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