A university fresher has uploaded chilling video he says proves his dorm room is 'haunted'.
Paddy C, a first-year student at a university in America, says he became concerned about spooky happenings in his room on his first night there.
He wrote: "Suddenly we hear some slight knocking. I get up, open the door, nobody is outside..."
Later Paddy says he observed: "A creature with impossibly dark skin and twisted, elongated, spider-like limbs would crawl out and skitter up to my ceiling."
However, many skeptics have aired their belief the video doesn't in fact document paranormal activity.
One commenter said: "It's f***king airflow get over it."
Another wrote: "Would be more convincing if it was one continuous shot of the door."
Yet Paddy remains convinced. "The effect this had on my sleeping habits was pretty detrimental for a bit," he wrote.