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Noticed the corners of your eyes have been a little scratchy these past few days? Had an itchy nose or been sneezing a little? We’re sorry to break it to you but the pollen count is up and it’s officially hay fever season.
While peak hay fever season isn’t until the start of May, symptoms can begin as early as the start of March, leaving those of us with seasonal allergies reaching for the tissues from the very start of spring.
Hay fever is unfortunately super common, with the annoying condition affecting one in five people. Coping with the watery eyes, sneezing, and nasal congestion can be annoying at best and downright debilitating at its worst – it can seem like there’s nothing you can do to beat the pollen count.
Want some good news? Hay fever might not be curable but with a few tips and some smart buys you can make it more manageable. We’ve rounded up the products we swear by so you can give your allergies a run for their money.