Now that the sun is setting later and the weather is improving somewhat, lots of us are feeling more motivated to get out there and enjoy movement again.
Yes, if you find yourself slowly crawling out of your blanket-cave as spring arrives, you’re not alone. In fact, according to The Independent, desire to exercise can drop by up to a third during winter.
Understandable if not advisable, to be honest.
However, if you’re not feeling much in the mood for taking up running or don’t live near to a swimming pool or body of water, may we suggest... trampolining? Ideal for both adults and children, it’s more than just fun. It actually has a wealth of health benefits!
The surprising health benefits of trampolining
It’s an excellent form of cardio
If you feel slightly sillier taking up trampolining as a form of cardio than you do, say, running, maybe knowing that NASA endorses it will eliminate that shame. A study undertaken by them found that 10 minutes of trampolining is more effective cardio than 33 minutes of running.
It’s a game-changer for balance and coordination
Okay, this isn’t quite the trampolining that you’re likely familiar with but you know those mini trampolines that fit in your living room? They’re actually fantastic for your overall balance. In fact, one study found that 14 weeks of mini-trampoline exercises increased seniors’ ability to regain their balance before falling by about 35%.
It can be a great for stress relief
Ready to shake off the winter blues and get yourself quite literally jumping for joy? Speaking to Cleveland Clinic, exercise coordinator Lori Lyons says: “Jumping causes you to repeatedly tense and release your muscles, which is good for your circulation,
“Then, when you’re done jumping, your muscles are loose and relaxed.”
It can strengthen your bones
Of course, none of us are competing professionally in trampolining but a study found that competitive trampolinists had higher bone density at the hip and spine than their peers, which can only be good news for the rest of us, right?
Happy bouncing!