Helen Skelton Had The 'Worst Day Of Parenting Life' After Being Asked To Leave French Playgroup

'Screamed the place down.'

Helen Skelton has shown parents that being a celebrity doesn’t make her immune from the wrath of a toddler’s tantrum.

The pregnant 33-year-old, who lives in France with her husband Richie Myler and 19-month-old son Ernie, explained what happened on her son’s first day of playgroup.

She shared a photo of Ernie trotting off to childcare on 30 January and wrote: “French playgroup. Let’s do this. Why do I feel sick?”

French play group .... let's do this .... why do I feel sick ..... #nervousparent #family #mum #toddler #childcare #school #family pic.twitter.com/AwgMgEj27X

— Helen Skelton-Myler (@HelenSkelton) January 30, 2017

One hour later she tweeted a photo of her son asleep in the car behind her with the caption: “Worst day of my parenting life. Asked to leave after 20 mins.

“Screamed the place down screaming his version of ‘Mama let’s go!’ constantly.”

Worst day of my parenting life. Asked to leave after 20 mins. Screamed the place down screaming his version of "mama let's go!" Constantly pic.twitter.com/QnzTXHoGiQ

— Helen Skelton-Myler (@HelenSkelton) January 30, 2017

Skelton was inundated with support on Twitter, from her fans who are parents reminding her it will get better.

@HelenSkelton it gets easier I promise! Poppy loves nursery now but she would scream her little heart out and it would upset me so badly Xx

— Victoria Kopczak (@victoriakopczak) January 30, 2017

@HelenSkelton I had the same with my youngest. Now he gets upset when I pick him up as he doesn't want to leave! They all settle eventually!

— Andrew Kinder (@kinder_egg) January 30, 2017

@HelenSkelton we've all been there! ✊🏻power on mumma. Wine and/or chocolate after bedtime!

— Daisy Upton (@daisyupton) January 30, 2017

@HelenSkelton happens to us all. If it's a decent playgroup, they'll have you back and discuss ways to help him settle in better. Chin up x

— Mummy Central (@Mummy_Central) January 30, 2017

@HelenSkelton stay strong sister

— Dan Walker (@mrdanwalker) January 30, 2017

@HelenSkelton hang in there. It gets better!

— Sonali Shah 📺📻 (@SonaliShah) January 30, 2017

After fans responded on Twitter, some criticising the playgroup, Skelton tweeted on 31 January: “Wow storm in a tea cup: we love the French crèche. Staff are superb! Can’t account for a toddler mood sometimes! My fault not theirs.”

Wow storm in a tea cup: we love the French crèche. Staff are superb! Can't account for a toddler mood sometimes! My fault not theirs xx

— Helen Skelton-Myler (@HelenSkelton) January 31, 2017

Skelton married Myler, an English professional rugby league footballer, in 2013. They welcomed their first child in June 2015.

She announced in November 2016 she was pregnant with their second child, by sharing a photo of a chirpy Ernie holding a blackboard that read: “Ready for my partner in crime, due spring 2017.”

“Three getting set to become four,” she captioned the photo.

Three getting set to become four. #newbaby #feelinglucky

A photo posted by Helen Skelton (@helenskelton) on

In February 2016, Skelton opened up about the struggles of juggling work and motherhood.

“Ernie has turned my life upside down - in the best possible way,” she told the Daily Mail.

“He needs me 24 hours a day, seven days a week and I’m pretty much the only person who can look after him - so I love being a mum, but it is full on.”
