The season has finally changed and we have made it to spring. The last winter felt like it lasted for six months, but those cold and dark nights are in the past, and it’s time to say hello to the sunshine. With the clocks changing on Sunday it’s the perfect time for us to reset our bodies for spring.
Even though the clocks are only going forward by an hour, we can use this season to embrace the changing weather, create small habits and changes in our routine and spend more time in nature.
Dr. Roshane Mohidin, a practicing GP and Head of Health Improvement at Vitality health insurance, shares his top tips on how to help reset the body clock for Spring:
Practice good sleep hygiene
Try and stick to your usual sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up around the same time to regulate your body clock – you should aim to get between 7-9 hours sleep every night.
It’s really important to get your pre-sleep routine right to have the best chance at having quality sleep. Try having a warm bath before bed to unwind or practice yoga or meditation to help aid relaxation.
Although it may be tempting to watch your favourite television show in bed, it is best to avoid electronics an hour before your bedtime.
Exposure to blue light from smartphones, computers, and TV screens suppresses the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin.
Finally, find your preferred temperature to sleep in – the ideal temperature is around 18 °C, but everyone has their own preference on how hot/cold they like the bedroom to be.
Embrace the great outdoors
It’s not just a good sleep routine that can help you reset for spring. In winter many people will suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which is thought to be caused by reduced sunlight exposure with the days being shorter, which affects our body clock, melatonin, and serotonin levels.
As we embrace the longer days – get outdoors and try and get as much natural sunlight as possible whilst being mindful of using sunscreen. It’s even better if you exercise outdoors as this is a great way to not only improve your sleep but is shown to reduce stress, and anxiety and benefit your physical health.
Make sure you maintain these habits over the weekend
Weekends are as important as weekdays when it comes to regulating our body clock, as our body doesn’t take breaks from its regular cycles and rhythms! So make sure you don’t oversleep and that, even on a cosy Sunday in, you are still catching glimpses of that ever-so-important daylight.
Take your time in getting into your new routine
We already have multiple stresses that can keep us up at night, so avoid pressuring yourself in getting your body clock set in a short amount of time. Take your time implementing these changes and slowly create habits that will have a positive impact on your life.