If you’ve been toying around with the idea of a simplified wardrobe, there’s no better time to start than the winter.
When I first joined the capsule wardrobe movement last spring, my wardrobe was in a constant state of confusion. I challenged myself to 3 months of little more than 30 pieces of clothing (inspired by Courtney Carver and her #project333), and though I had prepared for an average spring, the weather had other plans. I was dipping in and out of my winter clothes ― putting them back up, only to pull them out again a few days later. Needless to say, it was not the smoothest transition into the capsule lifestyle.
Fast-forward to today, in the dead of winter, and I’ve mastered my capsule game. Winter is pretty predictably cold, so it’s easier to focus on warm layers. I have a sturdy collection of sweaters, long-sleeve tees, and vests to mix and match. On warmer winter days, I remove a layer; on colder ones, I add.
Another bonus? Getting dressed now takes less than five minutes. If you’re wondering when’s the best time to jump into a minimalist wardrobe, there’s no better season than right now.
To make the transition easier, I’ve outlined the essential 10-piece checklist you need to start a winter capsule wardrobe. Take a look below:
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