Hilarious Tweets From Parents About School Picture Day

"Today is school picture day so my kids wore their favourite toothpaste on their shirts."

Ah the time-honoured tradition of picture day.

For many parents with young children, there’s little hope for frame-worthy school photos as it seems they always take place right after kids run around at recess or spill all over themselves at lunch. The photographers taking these masterpieces also seem to have a talent for capturing the most bizarre facial expressions or full-on blinking shots.

And don’t even get parents started on the costs and bizarre options for purchasing their kids’ photos. But at least they have a sense of humour about it.

We’ve rounded up 25 funny and relatable tweets about school picture day. Enjoy!

why can’t there be a school picture package with only 1 big picture and 3 medium ones? has anyone in existence used up 52 wallet sized pics of their kids?

— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) September 15, 2021

It's School Picture day, also known as "I can't believe we paid $96 for these."

— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) September 10, 2021

You know it's school picture day when you drop off the kids at school looking cute, and return home to find your shirt is on inside out.

— Walking Outside in Slippers (@WalkingOutside) September 14, 2021

I feel mostly qualified to have this many kids. But not on picture day.

— The Salty Mamas (@saltymamas) September 15, 2021

Can't - too busy being sad over how grown up my kids look in their school pictures.

— Sweet Momissa (@sweetmomissa) January 26, 2021

Picture Day, because I want to remember them just as they are this morning: snot-streaked faces, puffy eyes from crying that I cut their toast into triangles and not squares.

— Ms. Havisham (@MissHavisham) September 27, 2018

[dresses child in neat clothes and asks them to smile nicely for school picture day]

Two months later:

[pulls school pictures out]: pic.twitter.com/NKTg1Bn1Yf

— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) September 18, 2019

Just signed up for a $200k loan so I can get this year’s school photos.

— AparnaRC (@Wordesse) September 17, 2021

Settle down, school picture day packages. I don't need a body pillow with my son's face embroidered on it for $400.

— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) September 30, 2016

6-year-old: School picture day is coming up.

Me: I'll add it to the calendar.

6: Can you wash my cape?

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) September 29, 2020

School Picture Day selections & corresponding year:


2nd Year - A big one for the hallway, Couple wallets, a few 4x7s for holiday gifts - $55

3rd Year - Digital Download - $15

4th and beyond - *screenshots preview*

— Amanda Marcotte | Mediocre Mommy (@storiesofamom) November 15, 2019

Me then: Ugh, mom why did you let me get my picture taken with that awful sweater and those crooked bangs? When I have kids, they’re going to have NICE clothes and CUTE hairstyles!

Me now: *sending my kids off to picture day in their quarantine clothes and Covid home haircuts*

— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) November 23, 2020

Y’all... so my child asked to wear her sunglasses to school today, fine. I figured they were gonna take them off for picture day because why would you need sunglasses for Fall pictures, right?... Y’ALL 😭 pic.twitter.com/TuHJos5Iry

— KND (@PronouncedKAYLA) September 14, 2020

Me, 364 days a year: I want my kids to feel free to express themselves.

Me on Picture Day: NO, NOT LIKE THAT

— The Salty Mamas (@saltymamas) April 26, 2021

Today for breakfast, my kids' school served white powdered doughnuts with extra powdered sugar.

It was school picture day.

I'll go ahead and schedule those retakes now.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) October 9, 2020

Interviewer at studio specializing in school photos: Can you stand before a most adorable child with sparkling eyes over a radiant smile and capture them in a way reminiscent of Gollum’s least-flattering mugshot?
Interviewee: Yes.
Interviewer: YOU’RE HIRED.

— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) October 24, 2018

Typical landfill contents:

- 18% food scraps
- 16% plastic
- 15% rubber/leather/glass
- 7% yard waste
- 44% unused wallet-sized photos from school picture packages

— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) August 30, 2020

How my kid smiles for a $200 package of school pictures pic.twitter.com/YxUoQNaG5V

— The Dad (@thedad) January 23, 2020

I wish my kids’ school had picture day during spirit week.
Crazy hair day.
Mismatch day.

At least then my kids would have an excuse.

— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) September 26, 2018

For the first time ever, all of my kids school pictures turned out perfect.

I know I should be thrilled, but can't help but be a little sad about having one less thing to embarrass them with when they get older.

— Sweet Momissa (@sweetmomissa) September 27, 2019

At this point Im about to make a thread of these children and their before and after school pictures because LMFAO 😭 pic.twitter.com/kUSQtTxRyU

— kennedy. (@HelloKennedi) September 4, 2019

School picture day is just like a regular day only you're supposed to drop your kids off with less cream cheese on their faces.

— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) October 5, 2017

School picture forms:

Package A: $25 Keychain (photo extra)
Package B: $40 4x6 photo (frame not included)
Package C: $375 to-scale Fathead

All include memorable keepsake image of your child mid-blink with bedhead & stained shirt bc. you forgot about picture day, again.

— MomTransparenting (@momtransparent1) August 29, 2019

Today is school picture day so my kids wore their favorite toothpaste on their shirts.

— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) March 23, 2017