24 Hilarious Tweets About The Utter Chaos Of Life With Pets And Kids

Mischief managed.
Liliya Krueger via Getty Images

Life with kids is chaotic at best. Add pets into the equation and you’ve often got a recipe for disaster.

Whatever your pet does, your young child will often want to copy – cue your two-year-old trying to drink out of their water bowl. Or eat some of their cat food.

Sometimes they’ll tag team to wreak havoc together. And as they get older, their bond – and capacity for mischief – will only grow stronger.

Here are some of the most relatable tweets from parents (and the occasional friend or family member) about what happens when the world of pets and kids collide.


My 8yo does maintain that the dog is her identical twin sister, and they are indistinguishable in every way.

— Elizabeth (@AmbienceChaser) February 8, 2023


Me: “is the puppy bleeding on his neck?”

6yo: “Oh no, that’s marker. I drew zombie blood on my face and then couldn’t stop kissing him later.”


— Meg St-Esprit (@MegStEsprit) January 21, 2020


My 6yo just told my cat to “get wrecked” so no more YouTube for her.

— Katy Carmincke (@kcarmincke) April 8, 2018


Last night walking with the dog and my 3yo son, my son asks "is there a potty?" To which I say, "you can go next to that tree," thinking he needs to pee.
He pulls down his pants, squats, and then poops out a turd before I realize what's going on.

— James, hooting and/or hollering (@FunnyLikeAClown) March 16, 2023


My 8yo has discovered Google Docs, and now instead of playing video games she is obsessed with word-processing and experimenting with different templates and making things like a resumé for our dog. pic.twitter.com/A63NYXi1tH

— Robert McNees (@mcnees@mastodon.social) (@mcnees) November 20, 2020


My dog just legit climbed over my 3yo and pushed him away so he (the dog) could cuddle on my lap.

— Sarah Kaminski (@SarahKamWrites) November 1, 2020


One reason you should have kids is bc every morning my 2.5yo climbs in my bed and cuddles with me and then my cat, who hates everyone but ADORES him for some reason, comes and lies on him and purrs while he gently pets her and says "I love Teacake so much".

— Lucy Huber (@clhubes) April 12, 2023


Today in parenting! I accidentally left the bathroom door open and later found my toddler dipping the dog’s collar in the toilet. 🤡

— Emilie Wapnick (@emiliewapnick) April 12, 2023


Having a dog is fun because I wasn't sure if my 3yo was still chewing and eating crayons, or if it was our dog. Today after I saw our dog's fancy poop with sprinkles I found out that it's most definitely the dog.

— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) June 9, 2020


My toddler: can count to ten on his fingers, sing his ABC’s, identify numbers, knows his colors/shapes all before 3.

Also my toddler: loves to drink out of the cat bowl, pees in a cup while in the bathtub, jumps off dangerously high objects

It’s a little give and take 🤪

— Kairee Bishop (@BishopKairee) April 10, 2023


The cat farted and my 3yo is crying real tears about it.

— JennyPentland, GED (@JennyPentland) June 6, 2013


Why does my dog, cat, and toddler all feel the need to hang out with me while I poop? There’s nothing interesting here except my subway surfers score. #dadproblems

— Brian “that really tall guy” Keathley (@DeathByTheFox) March 6, 2023


6YO scolded me this morning and said I’m scaring the puppy with my loud farts

— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) March 11, 2022


My friend’s 3yo upon meeting my dog and petting her belly, pointed to each nipple individually and said “that’s a boobie, that’s a boobie…”

— Sarah Johnson (@SrhJhnsn89) December 23, 2021


True friendship looks like my 8mo baby and 3yo dog sharing a paper towel roll like Lady and Tramp sharing spaghetti.

— Luke ☀️ (@RaDadtouille) April 9, 2021


Delighted to report that I have taken my toddler and dog for a walk and they each only cried a little bit.

— J. M. Eno (@jmenowrites) April 11, 2023


3yo: licks herself
Wife: Stop licking yourself!
3yo: But Loki (our cat) licks himself too.
W: He's a cat, and you're a human. Stop licking yourself.
A few min later:
W: Great. Now you licked your leg, I grabbed it and now my hand is wet...

Conversations I never expected to hear.

— Kevin "Guardian of the Pharmacies" Weber-Wilk (@Kephain) March 5, 2022


We *affectionately* call my dog a stinky bad girl, and so now when I tell my 3yo she needs a bath, she declines saying, "No, I'm a stinky bad girl."

— Ashley Dargai (@Ashley_Dargai) June 30, 2021


My cat took a strawberry from my toddler so you could say it’s going great

— Jessica (@Jesssiiicaa) April 11, 2023


I'm currently throwing a toy for my toddler and dog and they are racing to get it first. 🤣 Oh to be a kid again.

— Meggo 🇨🇦🏳️🌈 (@EtherealDarkne5) April 9, 2023


Today my toddler took my cat hostage for 20 minutes in our pantry and she managed to completely destroy it

— Jessica (@Jesssiiicaa) February 23, 2023


My 9yo just asked if we can put a camera on my 6yo cat so we can "see what she does all the time." Meanwhile, said cat is lying on the back of the couch, where she's been for the last 18 hours. 😂

— Brigid Kemmerer (maybe, maybe not) (@BrigidKemmerer) August 23, 2021


What developmental stage is it when my 3yo asks me what the dog is saying, and no matter my response she gets mad at me and tells me I'm wrong?

— Lil Bit 🌈 (@LizerReal) October 4, 2020


My 1yo is dancing while eating a stick of butter.

My 3yo and 5yo have lost their clothes.

The dog just ate my 3yo's lunch.

They are all pretty happy right now.

And my level of caring is pretty low right now, so I'm going to let it go

— Chelsea Lanae (@ChelseaLanaep) January 1, 2022