Vicious Youth Hockey Stick Attack Will Make You Cringe (VIDEO)

WATCH: Vicious Youth Hockey Stick Attack Will Make You Cringe

Ugly footage of a hockey stick attack in a youth game is going viral after being picked up by several news outlets.

The match between the San Diego Jr. Gulls and the Toledo Cherokee took place Nov. 2 at the Bauer World Hockey Invitational in Chicago. In video of the incident, a Toledo player appears to take umbrage at contact by a San Diego player.

As shown in the clip above, the Toledo player swings his stick like a baseball bat, striking the San Diego player in the neck area. Then he pummels the downed player in the head.

Tevia Arlidge, the Gulls' hockey director, told The Huffington Post the player was "shaken up but not seriously injured." He added that USA Hockey, the governing body, was reviewing the matter, and "it is our understanding, that the Toledo player has been suspended until an official hearing with USA Hockey. " (A spokesman told HuffPost that USA Hockey would provide more details if possible.)

The Gulls won the game, 3-0.


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