When it comes to the Hollywood grind, no one works harder than Lindsey McKeon. She's beautiful, charming and talented. You've probably seen her on hit TV shows and movies such as "Supernatural", "One Tree Hill", "Women & Sometimes Men" and more. She is currently involved in a variety of ventures —onscreen projects, female empowerment programs and fundraising campaigns.

As an advocate for female empowerment, Lindsey revealed what it's like to be a woman in Hollywood, and spoke about her new podcast, as well as her new movie and television projects.
You recently toured colleges in the United States as an ambassador for the Own Hero: Female Empowerment Curriculum. What's it like being an ambassador for this cause?
"What I like about the Own Hero: Female Empowerment Curriculum is that it enables us to find our power within. I didn't find empowerment in my own life until I changed my thoughts and actions from the inside. Once I did that I realised nobody had power over me.
"Even if I found myself in dire circumstances I always have the ability to choose whether to react as a victim or not, to feel like I was powerless. The more I learn that the more I have the ability to actually be strong. To me, that is true power.
"I also really like that the "Own Hero" tour wants to eventually work with men as well. I think we cannot afford to leave them out of the equation. We must help them grow too. I feel like a lot of men are like confused little boys acting out of a type of ego bravado that they put on for the show. And that can actually become quite dangerous and misaligned."
I've never been one to let any obstacles get me down. I'm incredibly resilient and persistent. I think we all need to be.
The movie industry was hit hard by revelations of harassment and assault. Being an actress, how did that impact you personally?
"Yes, I have had my own #MeToo stories. I think it's impossible not to have them in some form. There are a lot of politics that go into my [the movie] industry.
"Even after all that's come to light, in a recent conversation with a director/acquaintance of mine I was told about the 'game within the industry — and being able to play it. Meaning, what do I have to offer these high powered men (agents, directors, producers) who are in control, since I'm married now? I cannot be arm candy. So what do I offer? Is it that I am the best actress? Do I have friends I will set these men up with?
"It's pretty mind-boggling stuff. But that is what women are majorly valued for in the industry. I have a friend on a hit TV show who is still dealing with this kind of stuff as well. It's unfortunate but it's still going to take a lot more to change it, to dramatically shift the power dynamic. What women are perceived to offer needs to change because I know I have a lot to offer — not only talent but great friendship and incredible insight. Unfortunately, not everybody values those qualities.
"But I've never been one to let any obstacles get me down. I'm incredibly resilient and persistent. I think we all need to be. Because life is a game that wasn't set up to be easy and if we want to be seen for who we truly are, we must either change the game or create an entirely new one. This has largely contributed to why I've begun creating my own content by rallying the wonderful connections that I have to make projects of our own."
Sounds exciting. What new projects are you working on?
"I have an unscripted show with my friend and podcast co-host, Rachel Paulson. It displays our quirky, combative, relationship with one another.
"I'm also producing and starring in two films. One is a thriller called "Shelter" and was written by Michael Sloan, the writer of Denzel Washington's "The Equalizer". It follows the story of travellers seeking shelter from a brutal storm, but some of them won't make it out of Ravenscourt Cottage alive...
"The other is a relationship comedy/drama called "Delicious Ambiguity" with an ensemble cast which includes LaMorne Morris, Rachel Paulson and me. It's a glimpse into the lives of nine friends on the verge of adulthood redefined while trying to see the beauty in life's ambiguity as their complicated lives come to a head at a friend's engagement party. I have also written two pilots that am currently pitching."
Besides working diligently in the entertainment industry, Lindsey has also launched a range of limited edition Refocus Bands.
Your podcast is called "Gay vs Straight Bitches". What's it about?
"Gay vs Straight Bitches" is a crazy fun podcast that my friend, Rachel [Paulson] and I created. We have a very funny dynamic and we poke fun at each other, and everybody else. Nothing and no one is off-limits."
How did you come up with the concept/idea?
"I had wanted to do a podcast for some time. And since Rachel and I are writing partners and basically together all the time, (she also lives in my pool house) we came up with an idea that's super real, easy, edgy and basically just us. I'm straight, she's gay, and we are funny bitches — simple as that.
"It is not politically correct at all. In a time where everything is so sensitive, I think we could use some laughs, at least I know I can. And that's what the show is all about. It's also pretty informative and informational. Check us out on your iTunes podcast app under Gay vs Straight Bitches or you can listen via our website, Gay vs Straight Bitches."

Besides working diligently in the entertainment industry, Lindsey has also launched a range of limited edition Refocus Bands. For the project, she has partnered with Camp Kesem, a community driven by passionate student leaders that supports children through and beyond their parent's cancer.
The bands are personally designed by Lindsey and 50 percent of the proceeds benefit Camp Kesem and the wonderful work they are doing. You can purchase the bands here: Lindsey McKeon - The Unlocked Project.
Be sure to keep an eye on all of Lindsey's current and future projects by following her on Twitter and visiting her website — Evolve By Lindsey. She always has something that will lift your spirits and make you want to keep coming back for more.