Home Affairs Minister Hlengiwe Mkhize Wants Proof Of Gupta Wrongdoings Before Acting On The Family's Citizenship

Mkhize defended Malusi Gigaba's decision of granting the family early naturalisation.
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Minister of Home Affairs Hlengiwe Mkhize needs concrete proof that the Guptas have broken the law before she can deal with their citizenship.

According to a report by the City Press, the minister says she will revoke their SA citizenship if there is proof they have done something wrong.

Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba admitted he granted early certificates of naturalisation to the Guptas for their South African citizenship when he was in charge of Home Affairs. But he insists his actions were within the prescripts of the law.

"The application was handled in line with the procedure that requires that the Department of Home Affairs submits recommendations to the minister for consideration," Gigaba said in a Treasury statement.

Experts and MPs alike have said that Gigaba broke the rules when he granted the family early naturalisation but Mkhize defended his decision this week.

"Legislation gives categories of individuals whose applications should be revoked. A clear category is when someone is found guilty of having committed a criminal offence. Should anything concrete be found, there is room to reverse the decision," Mkhize told the City Press.

"The rule of natural justice dictates that everybody is innocent until proven guilty. You must get the other side of the story. Up to now, I don't even know what their side is."


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