The Only Hot Fudge Recipe You'll Ever Need

You NEED this.

If you ever thought that the best hot fudge you could get at home was the kind that squirts out of a bottle, we'd just like to say welcome. Welcome to the first day of your real ice cream sundae life. We have found a hot fudge recipe for you that's so simple, so good, so chocolatey, you will never resort to the squirt bottle kind again. Today, with this recipe in hand, your desserts (and your life) just got a whole lot sweeter.

While you can make a decent sundae with store-bought hot fudge, it pales in comparison to one that's homemade. Homemade hot fudge, like the recipe we have for you below, is made with real chocolate. And to make that chocolate even richer, cocoa powder is added to the mix. Plus, there's butter. Butter makes everything better.

Equipped with this rich, chocolatey hot fudge sauce you're going to be eating real ice cream sundaes from here on out. That's good news. And we have even better news. You can make a big batch of this chocolate sauce and store it in the fridge. It'll keep for a couple of months, and just needs to be reheated on the stove -- or even more quickly in the microwave -- when the craving should strike. It's as easy as popping the cap off a bottle, but a whole lot more rewarding. Take another look at this hot fudge to really understand what we mean.

hot fudge

See what it does for a sundae? Now, go make this decadently rich hot fudge recipe by Brown Eyed Baker -- it's the only one your sundae will ever need.

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