If there’s one thing that’s abundantly clear when it comes to the nation’s cherubs, it’s that their sleep needs are so very varied.
And it makes sense that they would be – after all, you and I probably have very different sleep schedules, so why would two children be any different?
That said, there are some basic guidelines surrounding how many hours kids of a certain age should be sleeping each day.
A baby, for example, should be clocking up a few more hours of shut-eye than your average child of school age.
Here’s what the Sleep Foundation recommends – although it does caveat that, in some cases, sleeping an hour more or less than the ranges mentioned below is pretty normal, too.
Newborns have extremely varied sleep needs so The Sleep Foundation doesn’t actually set a recommendation for them.
This is because some babies might need 11 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, while others might rack up 19 hours of shut-eye – and this can vary from day to day.
Infants (4-12 months)
Babies typically need 12-16 hours of sleep including naps, according to The Sleep Foundation.
According to baby sleep specialist Gemma Coe, babies tend to have 3-4 naps a day when they’re 4-6 months old and this drops to two naps around the 7-9 month mark.
Toddlers (1-2 years)
Toddlers need around 11-14 hours of sleep including naps.
Babies typically transition down from two naps to one a day between 12-18 months of age.
Preschoolers (3-5 years)
Children of preschool age tend to need 10-13 hours including naps.
Most kids drop their last nap between the ages of 2.5 and 3.5, according to Coe. But occasionally some children still nap at the age of five.
Parenting and sleep expert Daisy Ferns, founder of The Parenting Experts Academy, warned that around the age of two some kids hit what she describes as the “FOMO stage” and simply refuse to nap, even though their bodies need it.
“A good way to tell if they still need the sleep (as opposed to wanting it) is to take them out in the pushchair and car and see if motion sends them to sleep. If it does, they’re likely to still need the nap,” she told HuffPost UK.
“It’s important not to underestimate the amount of sleep a child needs as over-tiredness can lead to the release of cortisol, a stress hormone, in order to help them ‘power through’.
“Subsequently this can affect the child’s sleep at night in terms of how long it takes them to fall asleep, the quality of sleep overnight and can also cause early waking.”
School-age children (6-12 years)
Once kids are at school they should be getting around 9-12 hours of sleep a night.
And this is pretty crucial as sleep deprivation can have a big effect on academic performance, behaviour and mood, according to Lynelle Schneeberg, director of the behavioural sleep programme at Connecticut Children’s Medical Centre.
Teenagers (13-18 years)
Lastly, teens should be clocking up around 8-10 hours of sleep a night.
What if my child isn’t getting enough sleep?
“For parents whose children aren’t sleeping the recommended amount, firstly remember that these are just averages and all children are different,” said sleep consultant Daisy Ferns.
“However, if your child is visibly tired, waking through the night (and there isn’t an age appropriate need for the wake such as a feed or change) and/or taking naps of less than an hour, then they may need more sleep.”
1. Ensure the environment is set up to encourage quality sleep.
“It should be dark (you’re looking for at least a 7/8 out of 10 where 10 is pitch black), around 16-20 degrees and either quiet or with constant noise such as white, pink or brown noise,” said Ferns.
2. Implement a wind down routine.
“Avoid screens for at least an hour before bed, avoid sugary and caffeinated foods and drinks and take part in an activity that calms the mind, such as reading or mindfulness,” added the sleep expert.
3. Don’t rush to your child as soon as they make a sound.
We all experience mini wakes at the end of each sleep cycle – as adults we might adjust our duvet, turn over or simply not remember. The same goes for children.
“They can fidget or even sit up and cry out, but give them a minute to see if they can settle by themselves before trying to help,” said Ferns.
“Sometimes our help can actually hinder them doing it by themselves.”