How To Maximise Your Annual Leave In 2023 For The Most Time Off Work

Get 47 days off work using just 19 days of annual leave.
Klaus Vedfelt via Getty Images

Just like that, the last bank holiday of the season (until Christmas) has passed. Love Island has finished, we experienced two heatwaves, danced at Notting Hill Carnival and caught a tan at the beach. It looks like it’s time to slowly start putting your summer clothes away and get out your jumpers.

I know you don’t want to to think about winter just yet, so why don’t you use this time to start planning your holidays for next year?

It might feel too early, but if you start plotting your time now, you can get bag the best days and get 47 days off work by using only 19 days of annual leave. Imagine how you’d spend that time living your best life!

Want to find out how you can maximise your holidays next year? Keep reading.

Easter weekend 🐣

Easter Sunday falls on Sunday 9 April in 2023. If your employer closes on the weekends and bank holidays you can get a 10-day break using four days of annual leave.

Book off: April 3, 4, 5, 6

Get off: March 31 to April 10

May bank holiday 🌸

Ah, May how we love you for your multiple bank holidays. If you didn’t manage to get those days off in April then you’re in luck, because the May bank holiday is shortly after the Easter break. The first bank holiday is on May 1.

Book off: May 2, 3, 4, 5

Get off: April 31st to May 8th

The fun doesn’t stop there in May as we also have the late May bank holiday which falls on May 29.

Book off: May 30, 31, June 1, 2

Get off: May 29 to Sunday June 4

August bank holiday 🏖️

The August bank holiday is everyone’s favourite. It signifies the end of summer so we all want to make the most out of that weekend. And it’s the perfect time to book a little trip away. The 2023 August bank holiday falls on Monday 28.

Book off: August 29, 30, 31, September 1

Get off: August 26 to September 3

Christmas 🎄

Tis’ the season to be jolly by taking timing off to eat a dozen mince pies. Even those who don’t enjoy Christmas don’t want to work during that time. We’d all rather drink hot chocolate and snuggle up in bed. Christmas day falls on Monday 25 in 2023. You’ll also get a bank holiday on Boxing day (December 26) and New Year’s Day (January 1 2024)

Book off: December 27, 28, 29

Get off: December 23 to Tuesday January 2 2024
