So THAT's Why You're Never Hungry For Breakfast But Feel Starving After 8PM

Turns out we're fighting Mother Nature.
Snack time!
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Snack time!

Though I grew up hearing that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, (and have since read studies suggesting those who eat it on the reg have lower BMIs than fellow skippers), I still can’t bring myself to eat pre-12 pm.

I’m simply not hungry until then. But that’s not to say I don’t have much of an appetite ― I love a big lunch, and by the time it gets to about 9 pm, I’m often ravenous beyond words.

I’ve tried forcing an early meal down to no avail; I eat pretty balanced meals; I’m getting enough protein and fibre in daily. Still, the pattern persists.

If you’re like me, it turns out we’re far from alone. In fact, science says we’re literally wired that way.

What’s going on?

According to a 2013 paper, it’s down to our Circadian rhythm, or body clock.

The researchers found that we’re more likely to crave foods high in salt, sugar, and starch at night (peaking at 8 PM).

Not only that, but lots of people’s body clock puts their hunger levels at its lowers at 8 AM ― ie, breakfast time.

These craving patterns may exist for the same reason people seek to get rid of them ― they help to max out the calories available in food.

Our bodies are worse at handling sugar at night, the paper says, and slower to burn the energy food provides (not least because we’re usually inactive at that time).

For most of history, we’ve needed to max out the caloric load of our food; that may explain the preference.

The researchers also speculate that sleep itself can act as an appetite suppressant, which is why we’re not hungry in the morning.

They also suggest that a big dinner from the night before may keep us full further into the morning than most realise.

How can I reduce cravings at night?

Getting to bed earlier might help, the paper suggests.

Healthline suggests that eating enough throughout the day, planning your meals, consuming enough protein, and sticking up on healthy snacks can all help.

Experts say that we should aim to stop eating at least three hours before our bedtime to get the best health benefits.
