Ian Hislop’s ‘Virtuoso’ Roasting Of Dominic Cummings On Have I Got News For You Was So Lacerating Even Piers Morgan Liked It

The PM's chief advisor was the subject of a "pitch perfect" monologue from the journalist and broadcaster.

Have I Got News For You viewers and a number of celebrity fans have praised Ian Hislop’s roasting of Dominic Cummings on this week’s show.

Friday’s episode of the current affairs-based comedy quiz show included a monologue from the journalist and broadcaster about Boris Johnson’s chief advisor and his rather loose interpretation of lockdown rules.

Ian Hislop bang on point here and crucifying Dominic Cummings pic.twitter.com/IEKh6KqjQ9

— Brian Maguire (@brianjmaguire) May 30, 2020

In about one minute, Ian Hislop absolutely nails the absurdity of Dominic Cummings' trips to Durham and Barnard Castle. The whole episode of #HIGNFY was brilliant, but this demolition of Cummings' story is magnificent. pic.twitter.com/yOEgiDL58Y

— David Beckett (@iamdavidbeckett) May 30, 2020

Speaking about Cummings’s bizarre press conference on the controversy, Hislop said: “He gave an hour and a half of utter twoddle. It’s absolutely clear he did break regulations.

“He found one tiny clause which he said made an exception, but that didn’t cover the journey to Barnard Castle, it was nonsense, absolute nonsense.”

He continued: “People were cross because they think he’s taking us for idiots. The eye test thing is marvellous, the idea you’re not sure whether you can drive back to London, so in order to check your eyesight you put your four year old in the back of the car and drive around to see if you knock over any pedestrians or smack into a bollard, and that way you know your eyes aren’t there.

“His greatest irritation is, he said at the beginning, ‘The press are giving misinformation about my whereabouts.’ That’s his job. He got his wife to write pieces in The Spectator suggesting he was in London, which he wasn’t.

“So he’s very, very cross. This man has become the centre of the story. I cannot understand why he hasn’t resigned.”

Many fans of the show took to Twitter to praise Hislop’s “roasting” of Cummings, including Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan.

“Enjoying Ian Hislop absolutely lacerating Dominic Cummings on HIGNFY,” tweeted Piers Morgan. “There, I’ve said it.”

Enjoying Ian Hislop absolutely lacerating Dominic Cummings on #hignfy. There, I’ve said it.

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) May 29, 2020

Actor Kathy Burke added: “Prime Minister Dominic Cummings was brilliantly roasted on HIGNFY tonight. Ian Hislop was pitch perfect.”

Prime Minister Dominic Cummings was brilliantly roasted on #hignfy tonight. Ian Hislop was pitch perfect. Sleep tight, kids. #NotMovingOn

— kath 🙀😷❄️🇪🇺🇪🇸 (@KathyBurke) May 29, 2020

Many viewers were in agreement...

30 minutes of Ian Hislop slaughtering Cummings 😁 Glad I recorded it to watch again and again #hignfy

— Craig Heritage (@CraigRS82) May 29, 2020

#hignfy 😂😂😂"the whole government had it....because the virus targets low skilled workers" 😂😂😂
Ian Hislop on fire on Have I Got News For You, total roasting of Dominic Cummings #DominicCummimgsMustGo

— Chris Pearce (@Chrisjohnpearce) May 30, 2020

#hignfy Ian Hislop, spot on in articulating the anger felt by so many people. Presumably he'll be replaced next week, by way of a reprimand, for holding views not sanctioned by Dominic Cummins.

— Jef Barton (@jefthegrey) May 30, 2020

Ian Hislop speaking the minds of the whole country (except the Tories) when calling out Cummings and the rest of the Tory Government.
Every single thing he's said is completely true.

— gerryquiff-PHOTOS (@gerryquiff) May 29, 2020

Thank god for Ian Hislop. Thank god for independent production companies with balls like @HatTrickProd and owners like @hattrickster who will not bend to Government bollocks to say that no, black is not white, up is not down and restore some sanity to our Gasslit nation 👏#hignfy

— Jolyon Rubinstein (@JolyonRubs) May 29, 2020

Best #hignfy in ages - Ian Hislop absolutely on fire, absolutely nailing that liar Cummings to the wall! Bravo, bravo! Would have loved to have had him leading the questioning in the Rose Garden last Sunday.

— Ben Eaton (@b_eaton) May 29, 2020

No more TV tonight - after that epic virtuoso performance by Ian Hislop lacerating the ridiculous Cummings excuses and mocking the vacuous ministers who trotted out to support him.

30 mins of prime time BBC used brilliantly to expose the ludicrous excuses.#hignfy

— Stefan (@SZaitschenko) May 29, 2020

More than 1 million people have now signed a petition calling for Cummings to be sacked over allegedly breaching the lockdown rules.

The prime minister has stood by his adviser, triggering a revolt of dozens of Tory MPs and a sharp decline in personal and party poll ratings.

Watch this week’s episode of Have I Got News For You in full in the video below.


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