Actually, Greek Yogurt Isn't Your Favorite Kind Of Yogurt. Icelandic Yogurt Is.

A newer kind of yogurt is giving Greek a run for its money.

If yogurt is New York's official snack, what is New Yorkers' official favorite yogurt?

We can't speak to the officiating aspect -- that is a job for Governor Cuomo, who indoctrinated the dairy product into the New York snack hall of fame in mid-October. But, in our unofficial blind taste test of 12 plain, nonfat yogurts, we were stunned to discover that Greek yogurt lost out to Icelandic yogurt. Greek was practically a shoe-in: The creamy, tart snack has made incredible strides in the last half-decade. By 2013, it accounted for 44 percent of yogurt sales (where, in 2007, it was merely 1 percent).

But now, Greek may be losing its charm -- could Icelandic yogurt be the new it-girl? The preference of 11 taste-testing HuffPost editors can't speak for the larger population, but it might serve as an indicator for yogurt products to come. Both Siggi's and Skyr brand Icelandic yogurt ranked high in the test, Skyr ultimately taking the win.

Like Greek, Icelandic yogurt is a high-protein, stick-to-the-spoon yogurt with a tang. Besides a bit more thickness and a slightly higher protein content, we can't comprehend much disparity between Greek and Icelandic. Traditionally, Icelandic yogurt is only made with non-fat milk and Greek is made with full fat, but big brands have changed all of that. We recounted the votes, twice -- even three times -- and it's true. Icelandic is triumphant.

Check out the reviews below to see the best and worst tasting nonfat, plain yogurts. Note that we've retired Fage from the running, since it won the plain yogurt taste test back in 2011. Then, tell us in the comments whether you'll be supporting the new yogurt in town.

As always, this taste test is in no way influenced or sponsored by the brands included.

WORST: Axelrod Fat Free Yogurt
Serving size: 1 cup (2270g) Calories: 130 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 19g Sugars: 17g Protein: 13g
Deplorable reviews:
"I can't even give this one a rating, it is so bad."
"Indescribably bad aftertaste."
"Chunky. I almost vomited."
Wallaby Organic Plain Nonfat Yogurt
Serving size: 1 cup (225g) Calories: 120 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 16g Sugars: 10g Protein: 11g
Sour reviews
"This tastes like the worst cheese ever."
"What is this, yogurt water?"
Stonyfield Smooth & Creamy Fat Free Plain Yogurt
Serving size: 6oz (170g) Calories: 80 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 12g Sugars: 12g Protein: 8g
Sad reviews:
"Too runny."
"Syrupy texture."
"Watery and has a bizarre flavor."
"No. No. No. No."
Dannon All Natural Plain Nonfat Yogurt
Serving size: 6oz (170g) Calories: 80 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 12g Sugars: 12g Protein: 8g
Unimpressed reviews:
"Unoffensive but not necessarily enjoyable, either."
"Very runny."
"Not foul."
"Tastes like air."
Chobani Greek Yogurt
Serving size: 5.3oz (150g) Calories: 90 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 7g Sugars: 4g Protein: 15g
Across-the-spectrum reviews:
"Would be a great sour cream substitute."
"The texture is perfect."
"It tastes like the container."
"Solid tang."
"So sour -- makes me pucker my lips."
"Looks like glue, tastes similar."
"I could eat this plain."
Trader Joe's Organic Greek Style Nonfat Yogurt
Serving size: 5.3oz (150g) Calories: 90 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 7g Sugars: 5g Protein: 15g
Polarizing reviews:
"Whoa! Sour! I hate."
"This yogurt is luxurious and delicious -- thick, creamy and delightful."
"Tasted like it was supposed to be flavored but they forgot the flavor."
"Made me gag."
"I would eat this all time time."
Brown Cow Non-GMO Greek Yogurt
Serving size: 5.3oz (150g) Calories: 80 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 6g Sugars: 6g, Protein: 15g
Civil reviews:
"Too creamy."
"Kind of sweet for plain yogurt."
"Kind of has a barnyard element, so it tastes organic, but I don't love it."
"Very airy -- doesn't taste like anything."
"Good balance of sweet and tart."
"This has no umph."
Wallaby Organic Greek Yogurt
Serving size: 6oz (170g), Calories: 100 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 6g Sugars: 4g Protein: 17g
Been-there-done-that reviews:
"A little boring."
"This has sort of a spoiled taste, which is gross."
Siggi's Strained Non-Fat Icelandic Style Skyr
Serving size: 5.3oz (150g) Calories: 80 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 5g Sugars: 5g Protein: 15g
Cordial reviews:
"Yum, a lovely blank canvas to add flavors to."
"Super sour, but perfectly tart with nice thickness. I'd eat this all day long."
"Very, very thick with a neutral taste."
Trader Joe's Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt
Serving size: 1 cup (227g) Calories: 120 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 7g Sugars: 6g Protein: 22g
Pleasant reviews
"Smooth and mild."
"Very run of the mill."
"Not overpoweringly tart."
"Love the thickness of this."
Stoneyfield Organic Greek Yogurt
Serving size: 5.3oz (150g) Calories: 80 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 6g Sugars: 6g Protein: 15g
Satisfied reviews
"Perfect texture and taste."
"Good thickness, would be delicious with berries."
"This has the texture of whipped cream."
BEST: Skyr Icelandic Yogurt
Serving size: 6oz (170g) Calories: 110 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 7g Sugars: 7g Protein: 19g
Staggering reviews
"Super thick but SO sour. Would make a great base for a dip."
"Yum! I wouldn't eat it plain, but good in dips."
"Extra points for thickness -- how'd they do that without fat?"
"This yogurt could be a meal! Sour, thick, creamy and very delicious."

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