Indoor Marshmallow Roaster Is Flameless, Expensive And Ridiculous (PHOTO)

Did we all collectively forget how to make fire?

Did we all collectively forget how to make fire? First we're microwaving s'mores, now we're roasting marshmallows inside over an electric heating element? No disrespect intended to the group of inventors hell bent on killing the campfire once and for all, but you're making us think you guys hate the outdoors.

This flameless indoor marshmallow roaster from Hammacher Schlemmer claims to produce "campfire-worthy toasted marshmallows without an open flame." How, you ask? Well... they turned an electric space heater on its side, attached a divided bowl (for toppings, hello!) to the outside and called it a marshmallow roaster. We're sorry if we sound old fashioned, but the experience of learning to toast marshmallows over an open fire taught us a lot of important lessons: how to cook something over open flame, how to not put your hand into an open flame, how, if the unthinkable happens and your marshmallow catches fire, you can just blow it out. This space-aged roaster just isn't doing it for us.

indoor marshmallow roaster

As Fancy correctly points out, the biggest benefit to this thing is roasting marshmallows without mosquito bites. Okay, fine. We'll give you that one, space-aged marshmallow roaster. You can pick up your own Indoor Flameless Marshmallow Roaster for $69.95 on Hammacher Schlemmer, if you're into that kind of thing. Or just, you know, build a fire.

[via Fancy]

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