Internet Ridicules Man Who Mansplained Physics To A Top Female Astronaut

'I forget how everyone gets offended by everything.'
Jessica Meir
Jessica Meir

Another day, another man thinking he can tell a professional, highly-qualified woman how to do her job.

But the ‘I know better than you’ brigade hitched up a notch when world-class astronaut Jessica Meir had the complexities of space explained to her by a man.

For background, Meir:

  • Is a Harvard assistant professor
  • Completed a PhD on the diving physiology of emperor penguins and northern elephant seals
  • Was selected by Nasa to become one of the eight members of Astronaut Group 21 - from a pool of 6,372 applicants

But despite all that, social media user Casey O’Quin took to Twitter to instruct her on a little basic physics.

The American-Swede astronaut had posted a video of her in a space simulator - equivalent to being 63,000 feet above Earth.

My first venture >63,000', the space equivalent zone, where water spontaneously boils! Luckily I'm suited!

— Jessica Meir (@Astro_Jessica) September 9, 2016

But this being the Internet, O’Quin took it upon himself to explain Meir’s point about water boiling back to her.

But no-one would let him get away with it, social media users stepping in to chastise O’Quin for forgetting that Meir was likely to know a fair bit more than him.

“This lesson went well, I think,” one joked. “But you should have told her to smile more - women love that.”

@Astro_Jessica did you forget yourself for a minute and think you were a legit astronaut? Lucky @CaseyOQuin is there to mansplain for you!

— Jade (@spunkyfuzzguts) September 9, 2016

@CaseyOQuin @Astro_Jessica This lesson went well I think. But you should have told her to smile more. Women love that

— Padraig O Mearan (@omearan) September 9, 2016

@CaseyOQuin This went well for you. More lulz please

— lm23 (@meadrus) September 9, 2016

@CaseyOQuin @Astro_Jessica L O L I promise you she didn't need any explanation from you whatsoever

— ANA (@full_of_moxie) September 9, 2016

Some nine hours after the deluge of criticism, O’Quin might have realised his mistake, writing in a follow-up post: “Again, I forget how everyone gets offended by everything.”

He has since deleted his account.

@Astro_Jessica 😂

— Victor Puente (@thevictorpuente) September 9, 2016

And just to clarify the point about mansplaining here:

@paulcoxon @botherer so what's the difference between mansplaining and being anal? is it just that the astronaut happens to be female?

— Continuity (@Continuity_) September 9, 2016

@Continuity_ @paulcoxon The difference is the assumption that the person you're talking to doesn't understand this topic.

— John Walker (@botherer) September 9, 2016

Congratulations, Internet!
