Thanks to the ongoing omicron-fueled COVID surge, this has certainly turned out to be the winter of our discontent — for parents, especially. Depending on where you live, some kids started the year remotely, while others went back to the classroom only for school to be quickly shut down due to COVID spread. The situation remains absolutely untenable for parents nationwide.
On a near-weekly basis, kids are sent home due to exposure, leaving parents scrambling. Having to cobble together childcare is either very difficult or, in some cases, downright impossible, which means parents have to find a way to keep kids occupied while they work.
Children are also feeling the strain of these uncertain times, and having to quarantine away from friends (and often loved ones) can lead to behavioral issues. That’s why we’ve rounded up toys, activities, crafts and more to keep them busy during unexpectedly trying periods of quarantine. They can immerse themselves in activities while you do what you need to do, and perhaps get a moment’s peace.