Jacob Rees-Mogg Quits, So The Internet Brings Back All Of His Most Viral Moments

"I hope Jacob Rees-Mogg is looking forward to lying down on the backbenches."
Jacob Rees-Mogg has resigned from government
Jacob Rees-Mogg has resigned from government
Leon Neal via Getty Images

Jacob Rees-Mogg has resigned from government – prompting Twitter to remember all of its best jokes about the former minister.

Rees-Mogg, a controversial figure in the Commons known for some of his outlandish comments and Euroscepticism, was a backbencher for years until Boris Johnson brought him into cabinet.

He served as the leader of the Commons, before moving up to become Brexit opportunities and government efficiency minister in February this year.

Under Liz Truss, he became the business, energy and industrial strategy secretary – a role he held for less than two months.

A prominent ally to both Truss and Johnson, it’s unsurprising that Rees-Mogg has pulled out of the new government just before new PM Rishi Sunak reshuffled the cabinet.

Rees-Mogg had vowed that Johnson was going to put his name forward to become the next PM shortly before Johnson withdrew from the race.

Rees-Mogg did also U-turn over his previous criticisms of Sunak only on Tuesday morning (once it was clear Sunak was the next PM).

He told The Telegraph he no longer thinks Sunak is a “socialist” and that he would be willing to serve in his cabinet in the name of Tory unity.

Only in July, he claimed he would not serve in Sunak’s cabinet even if he won in that leadership contest, claiming: “I believe his behaviour towards Boris Johnson, his disloyalty means that I could not possibly support him and he wouldn’t want me in his cabinet anyway.”

Sunak is seen by many Johnson loyalists as the cabinet minister who helped push the former prime minister out of the job back in July, by resigning and undermining his authority.

So, Twitter wasted no time in mocking Rees-Mogg, who has gone viral several times in the past.

He was once pictured lying down with his feet on the front benches of the Commons – a memory not forgotten by any of his critics.

I hope Jacob Rees-Mogg is looking forward to lying down on the backbenches.

— Ken Clarke (@MrKennethClarke) October 25, 2022

Cheerio… pic.twitter.com/uW8FMKzxTW

— Paul Johnson (@paul__johnson) October 25, 2022

Jacob Rees-Mogg resigns from the government, just in time for his afternoon nap. pic.twitter.com/t9HZp1aWLe

— The New European - Think Without Borders (@TheNewEuropean) October 25, 2022

BREAKING: Jacob Rees-Mogg resigned from the Government. He has given his letter to Rishi Sunak. Ding, Dong, Rees-Mogg is gone. pic.twitter.com/7ovyLX0any

— Dr. Jennifer Cassidy (@OxfordDiplomat) October 25, 2022

Jacob Rees-Mogg reclined to comment. https://t.co/IfPb6G0Q9G

— 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓮𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓮 𝓘𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓽𝔂 (@RebourneThe) October 25, 2022

Others remembered how Rees-Mogg allegedly left notes on the desks of civil servants, encouraging them to return to the office.

I do hope @RishiSunak sacks @Jacob_Rees_Mogg via the medium of a passive aggressive post-it note stuck on his desk.

— 🇪🇺Shell the Rejoiner. 💙 Always (@TheStopthecoup) October 24, 2022

He was also mocked for his attempts to find advantages to Brexit – and using a discount for fish fingers as an example – despite being one of the most prominent Brexiteers in Conservative Party.

I hope when Rees-Mogg leaves the government today he doesn't take all the Brexit opportunities he found with him.

— Brendan May (@bmay) October 25, 2022

Hey, @Jacob_Rees_Mogg, before you leave, could you publish that list of Brexit benefits you promised the British people time and time again?

It doesn't appear to have been published just yet.

— European Movement UK (@euromove) October 25, 2022

Then there were those who took aim at his traditionalist politics....

Jacob Rees Mogg has resigned from government. It’s said he wants to spend more time on the things that matter to him like haunting stately buildings.

— Supertanskiii (@supertanskiii) October 25, 2022

Jacob Rees Mogg leaves government. Only want to see his name again on my TL if it's followed by the phrase "accidentally fell into a Victorian threshing machine"

— Peter Smith (@Redpeter99) October 25, 2022

...And speculation about whether he would have even been welcomed in Sunak’s cabinet, especially having been one of the new PMs most outspoken critics.

Ah, the old jump before you're pushed strategy pic.twitter.com/w0jyc1SDCh

— PoliticsJOE (@PoliticsJOE_UK) October 25, 2022

Victims of cuts, deregulations, Brexit and many other policies he championed may disagree https://t.co/QmlUCNd9gb

— Kevin Maguire (@Kevin_Maguire) October 25, 2022

Good riddance to Jacob Rees-Mogg.

— Mike Galsworthy (@mikegalsworthy) October 25, 2022

So Jacob Rees-Mogg “resigns” - skulked off before being sacked more like. He’s meant to be heading up a major debate this afternoon on tearing up nature, worker & consumer protections in the name of #Brexit - chaos continues pic.twitter.com/n3sjRHKfiK

— Caroline Lucas (@CarolineLucas) October 25, 2022

This is unequivocally good news. Rees-Mogg was totally unfit for office, not because of being so pro-Brexit in which he's hardly alone, but for his derogatory attitude to the Civil Service and Pooterish micro-management. https://t.co/z9pZQIvYkZ

— Chris Grey 🇺🇦 (@chrisgreybrexit) October 25, 2022

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