James Corden Slammed After Opening Charity Gala With Harvey Weinstein Jokes

'Some things you just don't joke about.'

James Corden missed the mark significantly on Saturday night (14 October), when he made a series of Harvey Weinstein jokes while hosting a charity gala.

James was hosting an AmfAR event in Los Angeles, where he gave an opening monologue that began with the line: “It’s a beautiful night here in L.A. So beautiful, Harvey Weinstein has already asked tonight up to his hotel to give him a massage.”

Straight out gate, host @JKCorden with Harvey Weinstein jokes. Too soon? Some laughs, some groans #amfARLosAngeles pic.twitter.com/nx88w5UwUe

— Chris Gardner (@chrissgardner) October 14, 2017

When the gag received a mixed reaction, he told the audience: “If you don’t like that joke, you should probably leave now.”

“It has been weird this week though, watching Harvey Weinstein in hot water. Ask any of the women who watched him take a bath,” the former ‘Gavin And Stacey’ star continued.

“Harvey Weinstein wanted to come tonight, but he’ll settle for whatever potted plant is closest.”

While official footage of the monologue is yet to be posted online, fans have shared their thoughts on the mobile phone-shot footage circulating on Twitter:

Imagine sitting in an exclusive event and fuckin *James Corden* telling you ‘if you don’t like my rape jokes leave now’

— MAREcus 🤡 (@marcusjdl) October 15, 2017

Jesus wept, James Corden. "Some topical sexual abuse gags, they'll go down well". Prick.

— 🎃 David Court 🦇 (@FoldsFive) October 15, 2017

Fellow Americans, I promise you, there are British people funnier than James Corden. People who are actually funny.

— I'm Not That Joe (@imtheotherjoe) October 15, 2017

Fuck James Corden and his painfully unfunny attempts at mining other people's trauma for cheap jokes pic.twitter.com/IPVUb94MMP

— Nina Mohan 🇱🇰 (@NinaLMohan) October 14, 2017

James Corden is one of those people whose rise to fame feels like they won a competition off the back of a cereal box.

— netflix & KILL 💀🔨 (@PaleCompanion) October 15, 2017

*waits for James Corden to be "disappointed in himself again" *

— Dobbersville (@Dobbersville) October 15, 2017

Wow, James Corden. Bet you're regretting that. Some things you just don't joke about.

— emwahahahaha 👻🎃 (@_prxtego) October 15, 2017

I thought james corden was going to be an unproblematic white. different. pic.twitter.com/1WfwBks3pa

— 🍒 (@eversincerih) October 14, 2017

James Corden has done brilliantly to get where he is but he's had one or two missteps last few months that will come back to haunt him.

— Liam Kent (@tnekmail) October 15, 2017

A-listers at the event included Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks.

James’s jokes came as Weinstein was expelled from the Academy Of Motion Picture following a vote by its board.

Over 35 women have now accused the movie mogul of either sexual harassment, assault or rape, with ‘Hollyoaks’ star Lysette Anthony becoming one of the latest to do so on Sunday (15 October).

Weinstein has faced a string of sexual assault and sexual harassment accusations, but has “unequivocally denied” any allegations of non-consensual relationships.


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