Jared Kushner Signs Book Deal To Tell 'Truth' About Trump Administration

People aren't buying it.

Jared Kushner has signed a deal to write a memoir about his time as a senior White House adviser to his father-in-law, former President Donald Trump.

“His book will be the definitive, thorough recounting of the administration — and the truth about what happened behind closed doors,” Broadside publishing announced Tuesday, according to The Associated Press.

Kushner joins former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany as a chronicler of the tumultuous reign of Trump. Known by many as a mouthpiece for Trump’s lies about the pandemic and election, McEnany said on Tuesday that she had submitted her finished manuscript for For Such A Time As This: My Faith Journey Through The White House And Beyond.

Kushner, credited with brokering a peace deal between Israel and other regional powers, left his own troubling legacy as well. He was dogged by conflict-of-interest accusations and his leading role in the administration’s disastrous Covid-19 response, AP noted.

He’s come under fire for his dealings out of the White House as well. A Maryland judge ruled in April that his apartment company violated consumer protection laws by misleading tenants and not allowing them to see the units until move-in day.

Critics on Twitter had words for Kushner that probably won’t be showing up in his book jacket:

What makes them think that Jared Kushner will start telling “the truth” now? / Jared Kushner agrees book deal for ‘definitive’ account of Trump presidency https://t.co/iz0E5Bl3YN

— Dr Deborah Jones 🐿 🦥 (@deborahjonesnz) June 16, 2021

Jared Kushner's signed a deal for a WH memoir. The book will be called:
1) My Story by The Guy My Parents Hired To Write It
2) How I Fixed The Middle East Shut Up Haters
3) Ivanka, Me And Our Lawyers: A Love Story
4) Staring Into Space: A Full-Time Job
5) I'm The President Of Me pic.twitter.com/e5fEA8PkMe

— Paul Rudnick (@PaulRudnickNY) June 16, 2021

Does it come with a box of crayons or is that sold separately?
Jared Kushner has book deal, publication expected in 2022 https://t.co/UJXDFTGPyV

— Pixie Dalton (@DaltonPixie) June 16, 2021

Emerging fiction writer:https://t.co/9lqW4UEFan

— Sheeza S (@allsoundnofury) June 16, 2021

Jared Kushner agrees book deal for ‘definitive’ account of Trump presidency. pic.twitter.com/MD3utnH4JF

— tisane (@tinasan05806292) June 16, 2021

#BREAKING Lying Con Man To Write Book About Lying Con Man https://t.co/jlR1WHJpRD

— John “Old Iron Pants” Kilby (@TheKilbyJoke) June 16, 2021

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