Ignorance may have been contemplative bliss for Jared Leto.
The Oscar-winning actor tweeted early on Tuesday mroning that he had “no idea what was happening” after 12 days of silent meditation in a desert.
In that time, the coronavirus had officially become a pandemic, prompting drastic changes to day-to-day life in countries around the globe.
“Walked out yesterday into a very different world,” he wrote on Twitter.” One that’s been changed forever. Mind blowing - to say the least.”

The Dallas Buyers Club star, who explained that he had been totally isolated at the retreat facility, said he was catching up on everything and sending “positive energy” to everyone.
“Stay inside,” he wrote. “Stay safe.”
Many Twitter followers returned the good wishes, but one person pointed out that a tweet from Jared’s account was posted during the time period in which the actor had said he was in isolation without a phone or other means of communication.
A few had possible answers.
Anyway, Jared, you missed a lot.
The world is hunkering down and the entertainment industry that provides your living is nearly shuttered for now.
The rich and famous have not been immune to catching the coronavirus. In total, the illness has infected more than 173,000 people, while at least 57 have died in the UK alone after testing positive for coronavirus.