People Need To Have More Chill About A Jennifer Aniston-Brad Pitt Reunion

"Somewhere, Jennifer Aniston is crafting her 'Hey, let's grab coffee and catch up' text to Brad Pitt."

Jennifer Aniston is apparently single again, and people on Twitter really want her to get back together with Brad Pitt.

Now, you might think this sounds like a decent idea ― if you ignore the couple’s very public breakup and subsequent divorce in 2005 that culminated with Pitt’s marriage to Angelina Jolie, which produced seemingly dozens of children. You’d also have to ignore Aniston’s highly paparazzi-ed dating life that took her to a marriage with Justin Theroux ― and a split that she announced on Thursday.

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, in this September 19, 2004 file photo. Aniston filed for divorce on March 25, 2005. And now, after her split from Justin Theroux, people are cheering for an Anniston-Pitt reunion.
Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, in this September 19, 2004 file photo. Aniston filed for divorce on March 25, 2005. And now, after her split from Justin Theroux, people are cheering for an Anniston-Pitt reunion.
Reuters Photographer / Reuters

Ignoring all of that, then sure. A Jen and Brad reunion, 13 years, many children and much heartbreak later, would be fan-freakin’-tastic.

But we do not live in that fantasy world. This is the real world, where our actual president was known as a reality TV star and real estate mogul a mere three years ago.

Yet, as soon as the news broke of Aniston being single, the tweets started flying and hopes for a reunion with Pitt began growing:

Somewhere, Jennifer Aniston is crafting her "Hey, let's grab coffee and catch up" text to Brad Pitt.

— Madeline Hill (@mad_hill) February 15, 2018

ALL I'M SAYING is that jennifer aniston and brad pitt are now both single at the same time

— Alex Bruce-Smith (@alexbrucesmith) February 15, 2018

I can't even decide if I want Brad sending Jen a "u up?" text

— Michelle Markowitz (@michmarkowitz) February 16, 2018

Jennifer Aniston: single ✔️
Brad Pitt: single ✔️

— Mrs. Robot (@soyluluuu) February 16, 2018

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie split. Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux split. I can't be the only thinking...

— Erik 'Killmonger' Anderson (@awards_watch) February 15, 2018

Me: *reading about Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux split* awww that sucks
Also me: planning Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt's second wedding

— Ally Reid (@ashallann) February 16, 2018

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are separating, which can only mean one thing: even more tabloid covers like THIS

— Sadie Gennis (@sadiegennis) February 15, 2018


Jen is single.
Brad is single.



— Alicia Lutes (@alicialutes) February 15, 2018

When u realize both Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt are now single

— Sonia Grace (@Sonia_GoodGirl) February 15, 2018

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have announced that they are separating. Hear that, Brad??

— PINA (@PinaOnAir) February 15, 2018

Brad Pitt turning up at Jennifer Aniston's place like

— Daniel (@Daniel_Reilly1) February 15, 2018


We have no doubt that the rumor mill will continue to swirl, but as one person on Twitter wrote: Not everything from the ’90s needs a reboot.


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