How Jeremy Corbyn Survived Jeremy Paxman's 'Over The Top' Interview

'Corbyn is untroubled by Paxman's fast bowling'.

Jeremy Corbyn survived - and even at times thrived - when coming under scrutiny from Jeremy Paxman, with many arguing the broadcaster’s abrasive style felt tone deaf and dated.

The Labour leader, as expected, was given a tough time by the former Newsnight host when facing the journalist in the Sky News and Channel 4 head-to-head leader interviews.

But observers felt Paxman’s confrontational style was too much, and meant he failed to quiz Corbyn properly.

In particular, Paxman zeroed in on long-held Corbyn beliefs that are not in Labour’s election manifesto, which was supposed to expose him as weak but in reality made the party leader look reasonable.

Paxo sounding like an analogue interviewer in the digital age. Not landing any punches on Corbyn at all. #BattleForNumber10

— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) May 29, 2017

I suspect the age of the Paxo/Humph interview - constant interruption, Frankie Howerd expressions, hyperactive pace - is over. Crap TV.

— John Harris (@johnharris1969) May 29, 2017

Paxman is a hero of mine...but...well...let's just say Corbyn is untroubled by his fast bowling #BattleForNumber10

— Owen Bennett (@owenjbennett) May 29, 2017

Can't stand contemptuous style of Paxman. Politicians deserve better. So do citizens. British journalism is much worse than it thinks.

— Martin Kettle (@martinkettle) May 29, 2017

Don't understand this line of questioning from Paxo. What's the upshot? Not all of Corbyn's core beliefs are in manifesto ... and what?

— Kate McCann (@KateEMcCann) May 29, 2017

Paxo on the Manifesto "I had to read it!"
Corbyn "I had to write it!"
1-0 to JC

— Carl Dinnen (@carldinnen) May 29, 2017

Jeremy Paxman, a once good interviewer who now just resorts to shouting over people & not letting his interviewees speak. #BattleForNumber10

— HannahJane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) May 29, 2017

Jeremy Paxman's questions are naive and his style so over the top.. Jeremy Corbyn calm, good humoured and authoritative in response.

— steve richards (@steverichards14) May 29, 2017

This isn't a very structured interview.

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) May 29, 2017
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn adjusts the tie of Jeremy Paxman as they stand alongside Sky News political editor Faisal Islam during a joint Channel 4 and Sky News general election programme
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn adjusts the tie of Jeremy Paxman as they stand alongside Sky News political editor Faisal Islam during a joint Channel 4 and Sky News general election programme
PA Wire/PA Images

These were five times Corbyn dealt with Paxman pretty soundly:

1. Keeping the Queen.

Notably, Paxman asked Corbyn, a republican, about abolishing the monarchy and why it was not in the manifesto. Corbyn’s response was succinct: “There’s nothing in there because we’re not going to do it.”

It produced a round of applause, before he added he had a “very nice conversation” with the Queen, and getting rid of her is not on Labour’s agenda because the party is more interested in “social justice”.

2. ‘I’m not a dictator’.

As noted, Paxman was anxious to press Corbyn on why his ideas including nationalising banks failed to make it into the manifesto. But Corbyn suggested he didn’t understand how a manifesto is written. The Labour leader said he’s “not a dictator” and the document is a process from the whole party.

Corbyn on the manifesto: "I am not a dictator". Manifesto is a collaborative process. #BattleForNumber10

— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) May 29, 2017

3. Panto season.

Proceedings began in pantomime style with Paxman brandishing the manifesto. Corbyn smiled and said he was glad Paxman had it.

Paxman: “I had to read it!”

Corbyn: “I had to write it!”

Corbyn on banterous form with Paxo at the start.
"“I had to read [the Labour manifesto]”
"I had to WRITE it!“#BattleForNumber10

— Asa Bennett (@asabenn) May 29, 2017

4. Is Osama bin Laden’s killing a ‘tragedy’?

On another apparent vulnerable spot, Corbyn was asked why he described the killing of Osama bin Laden as a “tragedy”, which has been used repeatedly in Tory attack ads. Corbyn said he thought bin Laden should have been arrested and put on trial. A tricky sell, but it elicited applause from the audience.

Audience applauds Corbyn as he suggests that Osama bin Laden should have been put on trial.

— Jim Pickard (@PickardJE) May 29, 2017

5. Support for Trident?

Corbyn refused to say that renewing Trident is “morally right”, but Paxman didn’t get the killer blow he craved. In fact, in pursuit of his prey, he asked Corbyn six times.

Jeremy Paxman asks Jeremy Corbyn six times if he thinks it's "morally right" to renew Trident #BattleForNumber10

— Sky News (@SkyNews) May 29, 2017

Corbyn again refused to answer directly, but said he wanted to work for a nuclear-free world.

Paxman trying to nail Corbyn on whether it's morally right to commit to Trident. But Corbyn doesn't bite. #BattleForNumber10

— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) May 29, 2017

That’s not to say the Labour MP didn’t struggle on benefits and his Shadow Chanellor, John McDonnell, calling for disarming the police and disbanding MI5. But this was no turkey shoot.


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