Jeremy Corbyn Calls The Economist 'Friends' Of The Tories And Is Put In His Place

'More competent management'. BURN.

Jeremy Corbyn has been put in his place by a journalist at The Economist after calling the influential magazine “friends” of the Conservatives.

The magazine has published its verdict of May’s first six months in power, calling her “Theresa Maybe, Britain’s indecisive premier”.

The verdict on the prime minister reverberated through Westminster, with one insider telling HuffPost UK they expected Downing Street to go “ape shit” over it.

The Labour leader tweeted The Economist’s article saying it showed “even the Conservatives’ friends admit Theresa May has no plan and no solutions”.

Even the Conservatives' friends admit @Theresa_May has no plan and no solutions

— Jeremy Corbyn MP (@jeremycorbyn) January 6, 2017

Tom Wainwright, the magazine’s Britain editor, tweeted a withering put down, denying the magazine had partisan loyalty to any party.

He said: “We are hardly ‘the Conservatives’ friends’. We endorsed Labour when it was under more competent management.”

Thanks for the retweet, but we are hardly "the Conservatives' friends" - we endorsed Labour when it was under more competent management

— Tom Wainwright (@t_wainwright) January 6, 2017

Those who evidently know The Economist’s leanings better than Corbyn reacted to his comment.

I don't know which is more concerning - either Corbyn doesn't read the Economist, or he reads it and doesn't understand its stance.

— Terrie McCann 🎸 (@terriemcc) January 6, 2017

One longtime subscriber said the magazine was often critical of the Tories.

.@jeremycorbyn @TheEconomist may be a fellow traveller with some liberal Conservatives on some issues, but it is no friend.

— 🌍 David Waddell ن (@David_Waddell) January 6, 2017

@HenryQuamford I have subscribed to @TheEconomist for many years, they're often happy to call the Tories out on policy (1/2)

— 🌍 David Waddell ن (@David_Waddell) January 6, 2017

@HenryQuamford Particularly, where the party strays from liberalism (often) and when it abandons free market ideas - eg help to buy. (2/2)

— 🌍 David Waddell ن (@David_Waddell) January 6, 2017

Others joked the problem might be that Corbyn associates the word “economy” with the Tories.

"The Economist? Hmm, economy... economy... must be Tories. Not really our thing"

— Matt Chorley (@MattChorley) January 6, 2017

"The Economist talks about economics so it must be Tory". And Corbynites wonder why the media ignores Dear Leader...

— Jinky Jez (@Corbyn_Lid) January 6, 2017

One journalist said Corbyn’s repeated criticism of the media was not helping him spread his message.

If we can go one day without Corbyn trying to slag off the media (ie the Economist), people might hear his message. If he's got one.

— Patrick Brusnahan (@patbrusnahan) January 6, 2017

Another user said Corbyn shouldn’t celebrate The Economist’s verdict on May as it has a much lower view of him, having called him “light on substance and heavy on salesmanship” back in October.

@jeremycorbyn @theresa_may As opposed to what The Economist had to say about you Jeremy?

— Miss Politics (@Pooolitics) January 6, 2017

The Economist did back the Tories at the last General Election but only did so because, in the days when people were still expecting a hung parliament, it favoured a continuation of the Tory/Lib Dem coalition over a Labour/SNP one.

In an editorial in 2013, the magazine said some people are “bamboozled” by its political stance. It prefers free markets and deregulation but dislikes the Monarchy and supports liberalising the drug laws, it noted.

The editorial described the magazine’s stance as a type of liberalism that “reconciles the left’s impatience at an unsatisfactory status quo with the right’s scepticism about grandiose redistributive schemes”.


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