What Are Jeremy Corbyn's Policies?

A section of Labour's website still thinks Ed is leader.

Ken Loach has defended Jeremy Corbyn once again, accusing the media of ignoring his policies which “are clear if you look for them”.

Speaking on ITV’s The Agenda, the veteran filmmaker accused both the BBC and the host channel of being biased in their coverage of the media.

.@KenLoachSixteen says @jeremycorbyn's policies are ignored by the media #TheAgenda pic.twitter.com/IkZ0lzv8zx

— The Agenda (@agendaitv) October 31, 2016

He said: “I think several things; first of all Jeremy Corbyn’s policies are clear if you look for them but they’re ignored by the media.

“No one speaks for him. There’s not a paper that speaks for him.”

Inspired by Loach’s comments The Huffington Post UK had a look for Jeremy Corbyn’s policies.

Jeremy Corbyn at the 'I, Daniel Blake' people's premiere.
Jeremy Corbyn at the 'I, Daniel Blake' people's premiere.
Anthony Harvey via Getty Images

Naturally, the first stop was Jeremy Corbyn’s official website, which is the fourth result in Google when searching: “What are Jeremy Corbyn’s policies?” (the top two spots are Telegraph articles and Wikipedia sits in third).

Clicking the link takes you to the “priorities” section of the website where there subsections for international, health and the NHS, education, housing, justice, the economy, the environment, transport and welfare.

Each of these is home to a library of links to articles, speeches and Commons transcripts, but a succinct summary is lacking.

The section on health and the NHS contains 39,531 words, which would take the average person around three hours and 50 minutes to read.

The doors to many, many words on Jeremy Corbyn's official website.
The doors to many, many words on Jeremy Corbyn's official website.
Jeremy Corbyn

Unsatisfied with the wordiness presented, the next search was: “What are Labour’s policies?”

Top Google result is Labour’s manifesto page which allows you to pick three policy areas to create a “personalised manifesto” - sounds promising.

Alas, rather than being presented with Corbyn’s take on issues the viewer is presented with the ghost of leaders past.

For you, from Ed Miliband.
For you, from Ed Miliband.
Labour UK

Labour’s 2015 general election manifesto is still on the website with a “note from Ed Miliband”.

Defeated once again, an alternative on the Labour homepage presented itself - Corbyn’s speech to the Labour Party Conference in September.

All 63 minutes of it.

Spurned by the world wide web, we decided to use a good old-fashioned landline instead.

A call to the Labour party was redirected to the press office who asked if we could email them, which we did, to which they replied by asking if we could email Corbyn’s spokesman, which we also did.

He responded: “The 10 pledges from Jeremy’s leadership campaign have been accepted by the NEC so they are now Labour policy. They can be found here: http://www.jeremyforlabour.com/pledges

“Hope this helps.”

Victory! The 10 pledges from Jeremy Corbyn's leadership campaign.
Victory! The 10 pledges from Jeremy Corbyn's leadership campaign.
Jeremy For Leader

It does indeed help: 10 policy statements neatly presented with a video of the Labour leader himself.

So, if you want to find Jeremy Corbyn’s policies, they’re on a website set up for his leadership campaign which ended in September and ranks below his main page and Labour’s in Google.


Here are the results for the simpler "Jeremy Corbyn policies".
Here are the results for the simpler "Jeremy Corbyn policies".

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