Jeremy Corbyn Lags Behind Theresa May Amongst Labour Voters, Says Ipos Mori Poll

Corbyn currently has an approval rating of -33.

Labour voters are more impressed with Theresa May than they are with their own leader, according to the latest poll from Ipsos Mori.

This is unprecdented. LAB voters in latest @IpsosMORI poll give Theresa May much better ratings than Corbyn

— Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) August 17, 2016

A total of 45% said they were “satisfied” with how the current PM is doing her job compared to 39% who said the same about Jeremy Corbyn.

While 29% of Labour voters were “dissatisfied” with May compared to 47% for Corbyn.

The prime minister continues to enjoy a honeymoon period amongst the general public with a net satisfaction rating of +35.

Corbyn currently has a score of -33.

The Tories lead by 11% when asked about current voting intentions.
The Tories lead by 11% when asked about current voting intentions.
Ipsos Mori

When asked how they would vote if a snap general election were called, 45% of voters would back the Tories compared to 34% for Labour.

Corbyn supporters poured scorn on the poll.

@gjones1086 @MSmithsonPB @IpsosMORI because a poll is the thing that is most important in the world get your priorities straight I think

— Anthony (@Anthony_Heard_) August 17, 2016

@Anthony_Heard_ @MSmithsonPB @IpsosMORI I think you should start having a good look at the overwhelming evidence before you.

— Geraint Jones (@gjones1086) August 17, 2016

@gjones1086 @MSmithsonPB @IpsosMORI "lol" you're off your head... When there is some real objective evidence I shall engage until then..Zzzz

— Anthony (@Anthony_Heard_) August 17, 2016

The news comes just a few days after a ComRes poll found Corbyn was as unpopular as Nigel Farage amongst the British electorate, giving both men a -28 net rating.

His leadership rival Owen Smith has a better rating among the public (-14) but performs worse than Corbyn (-8) among Labour voters.

May’s new prime minister poll “bounce” continued as she was named Britain’s most popular politician.

Corbyn went head-to-head with his leadership rival Smith on Wednesday during a live BBC debate.

Corbyn has been doing his best to burnish his credentials as a man of the people: sitting for three hours on the floor of a packed commuter train, doing a little jig at a campaign event and letting a group of comedians mock him on The Last Leg.


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