Jeremy Corbyn Should Dress Smartly, Says Former Labour Leader Lord Kinnock

'People have got to be tidy'
PA/PA Wire

Politicians have to look "tidy" former Labour leader Lord Kinnock has said, when questioned about Jeremy Corbyn's dress sense.

Lord Kinnock has said the "reality" of politics was that voters liked to see their MPs dressed well.

"There’s no getting round it. People don’t mind if, on a Saturday afternoon or a Sunday morning a politician appears on a TV show and he doesn’t have a tie on, that’s fine, that’s relaxation time even if he’s being very earnest, but, other than that, people have got to be tidy," he said.

Speaking to RT, the Labour peer said his father than told him it did matter to "working blokes" what politicians wore.

Last month David Cameron angrily said his mother would like to tell Corbyn "put on a proper suit, do up your tie and sing the national anthem".

Asked if he agreed with the prime minister, Lord Kinnock said he "couldn't possibly" agree with Cameron.

But he said "as long as it’s Cameron’s mum, who seems like a fairly sensible lady to me" he was happy to agree.

Corbyn has joked that Cameron is simply "jealous" his clothes. A video clip of the Labour leader getting ready for a recent TV today show the Labour leader laughing as he tells the camera crew he had to "do the tie up" to avoid upsetting the prime minister.


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