Whatever your thoughts on Jeremy Corbyn, his campaign has gone from strength to strength during this election. Whether it's about grime music or his appearances on question time, Corbyn has got the whole country talking. A man who once was only regarded as a rebel back-bencher, has quickly become one of the most popular (and unpopular) politicians in British history.
Somewhat of an urban legend, Corbyn has charmed the people of Great Britain. And here, we take a look at Corbyn's stand out moments since 2015.
Becoming the leader of the Labour party (Twice!) with the largest mandate in party history.
After strolling into the leadership election with 200/1 odds, Corbyn smashed his more experienced challengers with a whopping 251,417 votes, over three times more than any other candidate. Bagging over 60% of the vote, Corbyn became the 'peoples choice' Labour leader in 2015.
Challenging David Cameron at PMQ's with the questions of the British Public
Corbyn decided to shake up Prime Ministers Questions by presenting David Cameron with the views of the 40,000 members of the British public, and it went down a treat. At the time Jezza said "I thought at my first PMQs, I would do it in a slightly different way... So I sent out an email to thousands of people and asked them what questions they would like to put to the prime minister and I received 40,000 replies." - What a cracking bloke.
That time Donald Trump retweeted a picture of Jeremy Corbyn because someone said it was their grandad who was going to vote for Trump for the first time.
I'll admit, this wasn't anything Corbyn did himself but it was very, very funny.
When he turned up to the British Kebab Awards and told everyone to turn Veggie
A lifelong vegetarian, Corbyn is a solid animal lover. But he won the nations hearts (and probably the profit increases at your local veg shop) when he urged the attendees of the event to eat falafel instead. Corbz has said he turned vegetarian after working on a pig farm as he "got attached to the pigs".
When he got his twitter account hacked and called David Cameron a pie. ( I still hope/think/pray it was him)
The day Corbyn's twitter got hacked, social media went into meltdown. Some absolute genius managed to crack Jezz's password and send what was possibly the nicest abuse I have ever seen directed at David Cameron. It was incredible but short lived, as the tweets were soon deleted. They exist only in our memories and memes.
Going for brunch with JME
Grime star JME and Corbyn met up for brunch and discussed music, politics and JME's local vegan Chinese restaurant. Standard.
The two filmed the meeting on snapchat and encouraged young people to get out and vote in the 2017 general election.
When he said the most wholesome thing ever when someone criticized his capabilities as a leader - "I've got lots of stamina; don't worry about that. I cycle every day - it's OK."
Genuinely just want to cuddle him.
Getting a public endorsement from Danny Devito
Does this even need further detail?
And last but by no means least...
When he promised to help poor people, disabled people, women and children. And meant it.