Jeremy Hunt Did It For The LOLs On Twitter After Boris Johnson Dodged TV Debate

Would-be Tory leader in banter mode.

Maybe it’s because he’s the underdog in the face-off to be Tory leader, but Jeremy Hunt appeared to be living his best life on Twitter on Tuesday night.

After frontrunner Boris Johnson ducked a TV debate, the normally buttoned-up Hunt decided to have some fun as he staged a question-and-answer session on social media.

Urging Twitter users to post questions with the #BoJoNoShow hashtag, the foreign secretary tackled the serious issues of the day - including Brexit, the NHS and austerity - using the 280-character format.

But more striking was the MP’s periodic attempts at humour, starting with a reference to the existing Prime Minister’s dress sense.

But he really got into his stride when asked about the the linguistic tightrope that is pronouncing his name correctly.

And as he called last orders, there was a reminder of the time he went viral during the 2012 Olympics.

Next up: a jab at David Cameron for forgetting which football team he supported.

And a twist on a classic the Ask Me Anything question.

There was also time for a reference to the time he apparently who hid behind a tree to avoid media reporters before meeting James Murdoch.

As he wrapped things up, time for a campaign trail treat.


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