Jeremy Paxman Asks 'Rudest University Challenge Question Ever'

Well, that escalated quickly.

There are a lot of things we have come to expect from University Challenge over the years.

Ridiculously brainy students, questionable outfit choices and Paxman’s snarky remarks - all standard fare.

So viewers were understandably left agog last night when Jeremy Paxman appeared to ask a question about “Bellend Tower”.

Bell End Tower, I bet that is a huge erection. #UniversityChallenge

— Diane ☣ (@Brassylassy) October 31, 2016

Bell End Tower 😂 #dying #UniversityChallenge

— Ashleigh Day (@AshleighAnn11) October 31, 2016

call me hungover but i swear paxman just said 'bellend tower' #universitychallenge

— iona ✨ (@ionananana) November 1, 2016

Oh my days! Did Paxman just say there was a tower called Bellend Tower? #UniversityChallenge

— Jess Edwards (@EducatingJess) October 31, 2016

Never fear though fans - University Challenge has not taken a raunchy turn in an attempt to improve ratings.

Paxman was obviously talking about Belem Tower in Lisbon, a UNESCO World Heritage Site built in the 16th century.

Get your minds out of the gutter, people.


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