12 Hilariously True Cartoons That Skewer Our Addiction To Tech

So real.

Our relationship with technology has gotten a little out of hand.

We agonize over Instagram followers and Facebook likes. We cannot take our eyes off our phone screens for longer than a few minutes. We spend an absurd amount of effort contorting our faces for the perfect Snapchat selfie. Not to mention, half of us are binge-watching Netflix pretty regularly.

Cartoonist Jim Benton, who authored the best-selling "Dear Dumb Diaries" children's series, puts a satirical spin on our technology dependence in this series of illustrations.

Check out his cartoons below. Remind you of anyone?

Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton
Jim Benton