JK Rowling Defends New Author After Mansplainer Says She Didn't Technically Write A Book

'Actually, you wrote a text.' πŸ˜‘
Samir Hussein via Getty Images

JK Rowling and Roxane Gay have tweeted messages of support for a fellow author after a man tweeted her to say she hadn’t written a book, she’d written β€˜a text’.

Laura Kalbag, an author from the UK who now lives in Sweden, had revealed to the world that she’d written a book about website accessibility - a pretty exciting accomplishment.

Unfortunately, Twitter user Erik Spiekermann appeared to be trying very hard to rain on her parade. β€œActually, you wrote a text,” he replied. β€œIt took a few other people & skills to make that into a book.”

this tweet is such a breathtakingly perfect textbook ACTUALLY that I'm almost impressed pic.twitter.com/BWVT083JJW

β€” Leah Reich (@ohheygreat) August 19, 2017

His negative response didn’t go down well on Twitter, with some accusing him of β€˜mansplaining’ and being a β€˜colossal asshole’.

You chose to mansplain away someone's big moment in a manner that a very big portion of female gender is really sick of.

β€” S. Adriane Kaylor 🌻 (@AdrianeKaylor) August 20, 2017

JK Rowling - who can often be found fighting the good fight on social media - took to Twitter to congratulate Kalbag on her book, saying that while β€œother people edited, copyedited, proofread, printed and bound’ the book, Kalbag wrote it and should be proud of her achievements.

Nice shut down, JK.

Congratulations on writing your first book, Laura. Other people edited, copyedited, proofread, printed and bound it. You wrote. Be proud x

β€” J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) August 19, 2017

Author Roxane Gay seconded this.

You absolutely wrote a book. And congratulations on the accomplishment.

β€” roxane gay (@rgay) August 19, 2017

Spiekermann later apologised for his tweet and deleted it. He went on to explain that he’d merely been trying to draw attention to the process that goes into making a book and that the internet hadn’t understood the irony.

Most readers don't appreciate what goes into making a book, beyond writing it. Nothing to do with diminishing the author's achievement.

β€” erik spiekermann (@espiekermann) August 19, 2017

Laura (@laurakalbag): sorry that this went out of control. Irony obviously is not for Twitter, and certainly not in a foreign language … 1/3

β€” erik spiekermann (@espiekermann) August 19, 2017

… of course you β€œwrote” a book, we all call it that. My ironic β€œactually” (which actually did not work) simply meant to draw attention … 2/3

β€” erik spiekermann (@espiekermann) August 19, 2017

… to the fact that many readers are not aware of what it takes to make books. You are, obviously, & you picked the best publisher for it.

β€” erik spiekermann (@espiekermann) August 19, 2017

While my language seems pedantic on hindsight; i can't understand the charge of misogyny. I’ve written the same 2 male authors @laurakalbag

β€” erik spiekermann (@espiekermann) August 19, 2017

If I’d written same 2 a male author, what would’ve been the charge? U wrote a book because you wanted 2, not bc you are a woman @laurakalbag

β€” erik spiekermann (@espiekermann) August 19, 2017

I am truly blown away by how few characters it takes in a tweet to be judged & dismissed by complete strangers who know nothing about me

β€” erik spiekermann (@espiekermann) August 19, 2017

The series of tweets didn’t go down too well and he was accused of mansplaining once more, so he tried a shorter apology.

Ok, everybody. I wrote a bad tweet with a bad choice of words at the wrong time. Will never do click β€œsend” so quickly again. Sorry, Laura!

β€” erik spiekermann (@espiekermann) August 19, 2017

Kalbag later took to Twitter to thank everyone for their support. Rising above it all, she asked her followers to β€œmove the focus back to fighting authoritarian governments and systemic inequality”.

Way to go, Laura.

Hey everyone, thank you again for the support. @espiekermann’s tweet didn’t feel great, and the love I got from you lot blew me away.

β€” Laura Kalbag (@laurakalbag) August 19, 2017

Erik apologised to me and feels bad about it. Let’s move our focus back to fighting authoritarian governments and systemic inequality! :)

β€” Laura Kalbag (@laurakalbag) August 19, 2017

This isn’t the publicity I’d have asked for, but if there’s an upside, I hope more people learn about creating accessible websites.

β€” Laura Kalbag (@laurakalbag) August 19, 2017