JK Rowling Leads Tributes To Donald Trump's Fabricated Sweden Terror Attack

Well played.

Donald Trump used his platform at the Florida rally last night to shed light on a terrible terror attack to hit Sweden on Friday. The only problem is that no such attack ever took place.

It is not the first time the US President’s administration has fabricated such attacks.

Last month Trump’s advisor Kellyanne Conway attempted to justify the contentious travel ban by citing the non-existent Bowling Green Massacre - and then proceeded to blame the media for not covering it.

JK Rowling leads tributes to Donald Trump's fabricated Swedish attack.
JK Rowling leads tributes to Donald Trump's fabricated Swedish attack.

Trump said on Saturday: “You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never thought possible.”

Trump’s subsequent remarks made clear he was referring to European countries that had endured terrorist attacks in the past two years.

“You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world,” he said. “Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.”

Understandably, many were shocked at the dreadful news that Sweden had been attacked and were quick to share their condolences.

JK Rowling tweeted #MakeBiscuitDryAgain after someone said the biggest incident to happen in Sweden on Friday was that a horse was rescued from a well.

Many thought Ikea could be involved in the attack:

There was a car parking dispute at IKEA in #Canberra, is that the #swedishincident President Trump referred to?

— Sir Walter Slurrie (@WilmaSlurrie) February 19, 2017

#TrumpRally #swedishincident
Maybe there *was* an attempted attack in Sweden but it was thwarted by their counter-terrorism measures ...... pic.twitter.com/owAdUmGm8B

— Smile & Nod Politely (@mrbimler) February 19, 2017

Here is a police sketch of the men police want to question in relation to the #swedenincident pic.twitter.com/uI7eqNJb6P

— Steg68 (@Steg68) February 19, 2017

UNCOVERED: plans for terrorist attack in Sweden last night.

RT because the fake news MSM wont report it!#swedenincident

via @LiogaYukla pic.twitter.com/aK8y7Ex8x8

— The Hummingbird (@Alifaith55) February 19, 2017

Horrifying images of the massacre were shared on social media:

Horrifying images emerge of Swedes being attacked #swedishincident pic.twitter.com/wwXvM3cwpv

— Ger D (@Rardeenus) February 19, 2017

This is not the first time the suspect has engaged in violence:

Capture this man responsible for the tragedy in Sweden. #PrayforSweden #SwedishIncident pic.twitter.com/7GpPOEqT0a

— rap game Ina Garten (@KaraBTweets) February 19, 2017

Live camera footage from the #swedishincident; our prayers go out to them. pic.twitter.com/yyeAmP2lVY

— A Very Angry Hobbit (@VeryAngryHobbit) February 19, 2017

Sweden’s neighbour has taken precautions to ensure a similar attack does not happen there:

Good to see the authorities in Oslo taking precautions after the tragedy #SwedenIncident pic.twitter.com/LQyXMLLHhW

— James Doleman (@jamesdoleman) February 19, 2017

And police released this unsettling image of four people they wish to speak to in connection with the attack:

4 people connected to the #swedenincident have their plans foiled. #Trump #fakenews pic.twitter.com/xRSN6giIz4

— KINGofJOCKISTAN (@KINGofJOCKISTAN) February 19, 2017

During Trump’s rally on Saturday he also adopted the mantra of Vote Leave, pointing to Brexit as an example of people “taking back control”.

He told a cheering crowd: “It’s a movement that is just sweeping... across our country, is sweeping, frankly, across the globe - look at Brexit.

“Look at Brexit. A much smaller example but is still something you can look to.

“People want to take back control of their countries and they want to take back control of their lives and the lives of their family.”


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