Joe Biden Removed Trump's Diet Coke Button From The White House

RIP, little red button that Trump pressed to get his 12 Diet Cokes a day.

With a new president comes a new design for the Oval Office, and alongside a bust of Martin Luther King Jr and a portrait of Benjamin Franklin, President Joe Biden has made one other crucial change.

He’s ditched a little red button that Trump used to call forth a White House butler who would dutifully serve him Diet Coke.

Trump, a Diet Coke fanatic, reportedly drank around 12 of the sodas a day during his time in the White House, despite calling Coca-Cola products “garbage” in a 2012 tweet.

In 2017, Associated Press reporter Julie Pace wrote that when interviewing the 45th president, Trump had shown her the button and received a “single glass of Diet Coke on a silver tray” upon pressing it.

But now, the notorious Coke-summoning fixture is no more ― and a Thursday tweet by Times Radio chief political correspondent Tom Newton Dunn made this clear, juxtaposing the Oval Office desks of both Trump and Biden.

President Biden has removed the Diet Coke button. When @ShippersUnbound and I interviewed Donald Trump in 2019, we became fascinated by what the little red button did. Eventually Trump pressed it, and a butler swiftly brought in a Diet Coke on a silver platter. It's gone now.

— Tom Newton Dunn (@tnewtondunn) January 21, 2021

The tweet immediately went viral, with a number of commenters who were unaware of Trump’s Diet Coke habit reacting in disbelief.

I would've paid so much money to get to be in the room for the conversation that I imagine went like:

BIDEN: ok what's next

STAFFER: setting up the Oval. Photos are all done. Do you want to keep the Diet Coke button?



BIDEN: the what in god's name button

— Emmy Bengtson (@EmmyA2) January 21, 2021

this is not the change we voted for

if you elect me president in 2024, there will be a Diet Coke button in every home, and butler's will show up every hour on the hour to force Diet Cokes into your hand whether you want one or not

I will drown this nation in aspartame

— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) January 21, 2021

Biden should've kept this but instead of summoning a Diet Coke the button would call a random Trump family member and make a sad trombone sound

— shauna (@goldengateblond) January 21, 2021


— shoopdahoop25 (@shoopdahoop25) January 21, 2021

Biden getting rid of the Diet Coke button in the oval office shows that he has zero interest in "reaching out" or "healing division"

— Will 🦥 Menaker (@willmenaker) January 21, 2021

Diet Coke button?

There’s room under that resolute desk for a mini fridge so long as no little Kennedys are still hiding under there

— Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) January 21, 2021

would like to go on record as pro diet coke button

— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) January 21, 2021

Overheard at Mar-a-Lago this morning: Get your own damn Diet Coke.

— Just Bill (@WilliamAder) January 21, 2021

TRUMP'S LETTER TO BIDEN LEFT IN THE DESK: "Joe: The Red Button Is for BigMac and Fries; Yellow Button Is For Diet Coke; Blue Button turns on FOX; Black Button Launches the Nukes...or Maybe Black Is for Big Mac and Fries and Red Launches the Nukes."

— Jeff Greenfield (@greenfield64) January 19, 2021

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