President Biden's 2023 State Of The Union Address Has A Date

Biden is set to address the nation in early February.

Mark your calendars: President Joe Biden is expected to deliver his 2023 State of the Union address on Tuesday, Feb. 7.

Having barely secured his own position less than a week ago, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Friday formally invited Biden to address a joint session of Congress next month.

“The American people sent us to Washington to deliver a new direction for the country, to find common ground, and to debate their priorities,” McCarthy’s invitation read. “In that spirit, it is my solemn obligation to invite you to speak before a Joint Session of Congress on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 so that you may fulfill your duty under the Constitution to report on the state of the union.”

The White House accepted the invitation almost immediately.

“The President is grateful for and accepts Speaker McCarthy’s prompt invitation to address the peoples’ representatives in Congress,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement.

“He looks forward to speaking with Republicans, Democrats, and the country about how we can work together to continue building an economy that works from the bottom up and the middle out, keep boosting our competitiveness in the world, keep the American people safe, and bring the country together.”


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