Labour's Jon Ashworth Becomes Latest Victim Of Live TV Interview Child Invaders

Some much-needed light relief.
Jonathan Ashworth was interrupted by his daughter during an interview on Saturday morning.
Jonathan Ashworth was interrupted by his daughter during an interview on Saturday morning.
BBC News

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“I’m like that academic from Korea*.”

And thus, Labour MP Jon Ashworth became the latest to fall victim to the scourge of the invading child on live TV.

The shadow home secretary was being interviewed on BBC News on Saturday morning when his daughters evidently decided they’d not had enough attention.

Cue embarrassed laughter and an interview cut short.

Jonathan Ashworth MP has become the latest interviewee to be interrupted by his children. @JonAshworth #BBCNews

— TVZone (@TVZone_) April 11, 2020

Ashworth was of course referring to the now-legendary incident from 2017 when Robert Kelly had been invited on to discuss the South Korean president’s impeachment, but his two children stole focus as they toddled into shot.

When you're trying to be serious on Skype - but your kids have other ideas...

— Jim Taylor (@jimtaylor1984) March 10, 2017

Lovely to see @JonAshworth girls gatecrashing his TV interview, I once leant them my ipad to play with during a speech at Labour Party conference and found they had taken hundreds of pictures in about 3 minutes. Stars

— Jess Phillips MP (@jessphillips) April 11, 2020

*It was South Korea, but given the interruption we’ll let him off.


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