For the latest in our WISE WORDS interview series - where stars from a whole range of fields share the important life lessons they’ve learned along the way - we’re posing some of the big questions to top UK DJ and producer Jonas Blue.
Having already scored four massive Top 20 hit singles, including his smash cover of the Tracy Chapman classic ‘Fast Car’, Jonas is fast becoming one of the biggest names in music.

We caught up with him at his exclusive Ibiza birthday event to mark the launch of EE’s new Apple Music customer offer. The Ibiza villa party celebrated Jonas’ birthday and showcased the release of his latest compilation album and curated club night platform of the same name, Electronic Nature.
How do you switch off from the world?
Errr, I don’t (laughs). I bought a house in Essex but I haven’t had time to have a proper break yet. I try and have two to four days a month to just be at home. There’s something about having two days in a row being at home, waking up in your own bed… they’re the keys to recharging yourself.
How do you deal with negativity?
There’s a block button for a reason! I use it a lot.
When and where were you happiest?
Ibiza, LA and at home in Essex. They’re the three spots. You know when somewhere feels like home.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
I always give this piece of advice too: do [music] every day and don’t do it for the money because I promise you, if you’re doing it for the money, it won’t last very long. I’ve worked for years and it still isn’t about the money. I’m just 100 per cent focused on the next song and it being the next best song. My second piece of advice is ‘enjoy the ride’ because it’s hard to break through these days. You have to be making the best music possible and that’s all it comes down to.
What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learnt?
I’ve been very lucky that I’ve had a very good team around me and I haven’t had anything really bad happen. When we started this I made sure I had great people in place… lawyers, management, record company. I’ve been very fortunate not to have had any sticky situations because it’s the music industry and bad stuff does happen.
What would you tell your 12-year-old self?
I was a bit of a hot head when I was younger so I used to burn a lot of bridges. One thing my management helped me with is understanding that relationships are key in this business. It’s a very small group of people in the music business and there’s no need to piss people off if you don’t need to.
What 3 things are at the top of your to-do list?
Definitely to break America. To buy a yacht. And to work with (writer and producer) Max Martin. He is God.
What do you bring to your relationships?
I’m struggling at the moment with that. It really is hard. I’m very close to my family but this life moves so fast. Coming off stage, you’re so tired so forget to make the call or send the text. By then five days have gone by and you haven’t spoken to your family. It does get really tough but you just have to set that reminder and try and keep in touch.
What keeps you grounded?
My friends and family. My mates are absolute nutters. They’re all Essex boys in the true sense and they definitely keep my feet on the ground.
EE recently announced a new customer offer, which sees all pay monthly mobile customers get six months free Apple Music access and introduces inclusive mobile streaming on top. Visit for more details.