Julia Hartley-Brewer Sparks Backlash For Attacking Feminist Emma Watson's 'Topless' Photo

She branded her critics 'angry feministas'.
TalkRadio Julia Hartley-Brewer has been accused of enforcing a 'strict dress code' for feminists
TalkRadio Julia Hartley-Brewer has been accused of enforcing a 'strict dress code' for feminists
John Phillips/Getty Images/GMTV

Julia Hartley-Brewer has has sparked anger for attacking actress Emma Watson for posing for a “topless” photo to promote her new film.

The columnist mocked Watson for simultaneously being an unapologetic feminist and appearing in a candid shot wearing a see-through top.

The picture was part of a photo series by US magazine Vanity Fair. Watson is this month’s cover star.

Hartley-Brewer posted a picture of the Sun newspaper’s coverage, which splashed a shot of the former Harry Potter star it described as “topless” on page three.

She wrote:

“Emma Watson: ‘Feminism, feminism... gender wage gap... why oh why am I not taken seriously... feminism... oh, and here are my tits!’”

Emma Watson: "Feminism, feminism... gender wage gap... why oh why am I not taken seriously... feminism... oh, and here are my tits!" pic.twitter.com/gb7OvxzRH9

— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) March 1, 2017

The accusation angered many, with people piling in to censure Hartley-Brewer.

the only true way to champion feminism is to abandon your physical body and become a interdimensional gaseous being https://t.co/qMgfK5I4mG

— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) March 1, 2017

Ah, I hadn't realised that feminism had a strict dress code. https://t.co/tRhT5tfR7q

— James Holt (@jammyholt) March 1, 2017

Apparently you can't be a feminist and love your body - the two are mutually exclusive https://t.co/7kXuIqHNoV

— Federica Cocco (@federicacocco) March 1, 2017

You think this is bad? When she gave her speech to the UN you could see both bare ankles & a fairly serious amount of calf. Shameful. https://t.co/MyDUyMcO3E

— Felix Gott (@Felixgott) March 1, 2017

Hartley-Brewer tackled some of her critics head-on.

Oh dear, @JuliaHB1 did she forget to wear her Official Feminist Uniform today? How confusing that must be. Here, I fixed it for you. pic.twitter.com/LB3pfK7SX4

— Naomi Lemur (@LadyLemur) March 1, 2017

Yep, because there are absolutely no clothing options for women that are in between this thing and getting your tits out. None at all. https://t.co/j10kM5FJiK

— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) March 1, 2017

@JuliaHB1 Wasn't the pic lifted from vanity fair though?

— Dorling (@Dorling83) March 1, 2017

So getting your tits out for a posh magazine is empowering, but doing it for page 3 of the Sun is exploitation? https://t.co/shAO8Hq3yg

— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) March 1, 2017

She was backed up by other social media users, including James Delingpole, a regular Breibart contributor.

Nice one, Julia! https://t.co/4qgsGeJBw0

— James Delingpole (@JamesDelingpole) March 1, 2017

When will people realize that not being able to express yourself without being ridiculed is part of why we need feminism in the first place https://t.co/a9aOYkLpkA

— Kristen Roberts (@K_Roberts95) March 1, 2017

Watson starred for a special edition of Vanity Fair to promote her upcoming film ‘Beauty and the Beast’, a remake of the classic Disney tale in which she plays Belle.



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