Justin Timberlake Complains '24-Hour Parenting Is Just Not Human' Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

The singer's gripe about isolating in Montana with wife Jessica Biel and their 5-year-old son did not sit well on social media.

People aren’t thrilled with Justin Timberlake’s comments lamenting the hardships of self-isolating with his wife Jessica Biel and their son at one of their homes in Montana.

The entertainer appeared on “The Morning Mash Up” on SiriusXM Wednesday and said that while he and Biel are doing fine during the coronavirus pandemic, they might need some space from their 5-year-old son Silas.

“We’re mostly commiserating over the fact that just 24-hour parenting is just not human,” Timberlake said, adding that the need for space goes both ways, as his son needs a break from him as well.

“He gets a look,” Timberlake explained as his eyes widened. “I’m like, ’Alright, cool, let’s take a 20.”

As the hosts laughed, he added: “Alright, I got you. You know what I mean? Just a commercial break.”

It’s unclear whether the family is in isolation with any household staff, though the couple has been open in the past about having a nanny ― Connie Simpson, known as the A-list nanny to the stars.

Some people weren’t exactly thrilled with Timberlake’s parenting complaints:

“You guys have one kid and millions of dollars i’m going to lose it,” GQ columnist Sophia Benoit wrote on Twitter alongside a screenshot of the singer’s comments.

you guys have one kid and millions of dollars i'm going to lose it pic.twitter.com/3qmkJdKbXu

— Sophia Benoit (@1followernodad) April 9, 2020

The fact that...24 hour parenting...was new....

— Maddox (@MKPinDC) April 10, 2020

I’m parenting a toddler by myself, trying to simultaneously do that and work from home, and somehow expected to hold it together while my income was cut by 75%. I sincerely want them both punched in the face immediately.

— Kelly Ryan (@KayArePea) April 9, 2020

Hey @jtimberlake, cry me a fucking river about how you're stuck in a mansion and "24-hour parenting isn't human." While I'm working as a nurse, trying to spend time with my kids but hoping I don't contract this awful virus to spread to my family; you enjoy your life of leisure.

— Cooper (@RunningUnicorns) April 10, 2020

Cry Me A River

— Punchline22 (@Punchline221) April 9, 2020

Timberlake made another gaffe early on in the interview when he said he and Biel wanted to “to kind of do our part” during the pandemic by fleeing to Montana.

“To be honest, we thought the best way to kind of do our part was ― we have a place in Montana and so, we came up here,” he said.

“We feel very lucky and kind of blessed that we’re in a place where — they’re pretty socially distant here anyway where our place is,” Timberlake said. “I mean just being able to kind of walk out into your driveway and maybe go for a little hike is always nice.”

As people ― especially the wealthy ― escape densely packed urban areas for their vacation homes, rural areas and hospitals can struggle with a lack of resources and hospital beds to accommodate the influx.

oh my god

"To be honest, we thought the best way to kind of do our part was—we have a place in Montana and so, we came up here" https://t.co/Ohy8PYN76o

— Anne Helen Petersen (@annehelen) April 10, 2020

We have no resources and are currently crowdsourcing medical supplies. So how do we tell these clueless ppl to donate at least $50k towards PPE for our healthcare workers if they want to be “real” Montanans. $100k and I’ll even find them a belt buckle.

— leeanndroid (@leeanndroid) April 10, 2020

We thought the best way to do our part was to potentially spread the virus to rural communities.

— 🐇💭 (@Topdekfireblast) April 10, 2020

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