Justine Greening Gets A Grilling From Charlie Stayt Over Grammar Schools

'You seem to be stuck in a dogma.'

A BBC presenter has been praised for giving Justine Greening a grilling over the government’s grammar school plans.

BBC Breakfast host Charlie Stayt told the education secretary she was “stuck in a dogma” about grammars.

Speaking on Thursday morning, he said: “The fact is, most people watching this programme who are from ordinary working families... we can assume that’s pretty much everyone who works and they’ve got kids.

“Most of their kids don’t go to grammar schools and won’t go to grammar schools. The vast majority do not.

“You seem to be spending an awful lot of time on this grammar schools thing. Are you really convinced in it?

“And while you’re talking about grammar schools, most teachers say they’re struggling to make ends meet. Parents have got letters from the school saying ‘can we have a fiver, can we have 20 quid to help us get by?’

Justine Greening was given a grilling by Charlie Stayt over grammar schools
Justine Greening was given a grilling by Charlie Stayt over grammar schools
Matt Cardy via Getty Images

“You seem to be stuck in a dogma about grammar schools when the rest of the education system is flailing around trying to make ends meet.”

Greening insisted that “we already have grammars in our education system”.

She added: “What we’re saying is we want to see how they can play a stronger role in a modern 21st century education system and we also need to respond to the fact that they’re very popular with parents.”

But Stayt refused to let the issue go, insisting: “But you’re still talking about grammars.

“I want you to talk about most people’s children.

“Why are we putting more money into a system that’s failing?”

Stayt was praised by many for “calling out” Greening.

Charlie Stayt doing a brilliant job of calling out Justine Greening on grammar school policy. He is bloody good at his job. #bbcbreakfast

— Georgia Lewis (@georgialewis76) April 13, 2017

Fair play to Charlie Stayt on @BBCBreakfast for actually grilling Justine Greening

— Rich (@richggall) April 13, 2017

My new hero #CharlieStayt 7:30 onwards https://t.co/T5lOKBDd2T #ThingsIThoughtIWouldNeverSay Justine Greening @BBCBreakfast

— I haven't (@witchesvictim) April 13, 2017

The quality interview by Charlie stayt this morning of Justine greening showed how empty her head is & how ignorant of consequences she is

— steven noble (@steve151999) April 13, 2017

@BBCBreakfast #charliestayt bravo for your persistence and clarity with Justine Greening minister for Education.

— Annie (@AnniesProcess) April 13, 2017

Charlie Stayt on @BBCBreakfast interviewing Justine Greening. I love it when he really gets his teeth in.

— Rebecca Warrington (@RebWarrington13) April 13, 2017

Well in, Charlie Stayt for taking no schools funding nonsense from Justine Greening on #BBCBreakfast this morning.

— Matt Nayland (@matt_nayland) April 13, 2017

In a speech on Thursday, Greening was expected to say that Theresa May’s controversial new schools will be “truly open to all”.

The Tory MP’s comments come after government analysis showed struggling, working class families, who are missed by other deprivation measures, find it difficult to access outstanding schools.

The consultation found there is “very limited understanding” of children from these “modest income” families compared to those from the wealthiest 10%, the Press Association reported.

“We believe they deserve better than that,” she will say. “Because ordinary working families are the backbone of our economy, of our country.

“There’s an old adage – what gets measured gets done. And this Government is focussed on getting things done.

“So yesterday, my department launched a technical consultation to help us understand how the children of ordinary working people are faring in our education system.”

Angela Rayner has been critical of the government's grammar school plans
Angela Rayner has been critical of the government's grammar school plans
Empics Entertainment

Greening was due to say she wants to “knit together” the different parts of the education system in a bid to raise attainment.

Angela Rayner, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary, was highly critical of the plans.

In a statement on Thursday she said: “The facts are clear, grammar schools will do nothing to help the overwhelming majority of working families across the country.

“The Government’s attempt to fiddle the figures to support their discredited and divisive policy does not change the basic reality that for the overwhelming majority, academic selection is a barrier to social mobility, and the Government’s plans to return to the days of secondary moderns will only make this worse.

“While the Government only look to improve the educations of a privileged few, Labour will improve outcomes for all by delivering free school meals to every primary school pupil in England.”


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