Aunt's Heartbreaking Tribute To Seven-Year-Old Niece Killed By Brain Cancer

'You were brave even though you had every reason to be afraid.'

A heartbroken aunt has said goodbye to her seven-year-old niece in the most touching yet heart-wrenching tribute.

The woman, known only as Taisce on Imgur, posted photos of her niece Katherine King on the social sharing site.

With each photo, she wrote a caption about what Katherine should have been able to do and achieve in her life, if she hadn't been taken so soon.

Katherine King
Imgur / taisce
Katherine King

Katherine's aunt explained that on 2 June 2015 her beloved niece was told she had an inoperable tumour on her brain stem.

She was given nine months to live.

One year after her diagnosis, on 7 June 2016, the little girl lost her battle to cancer aged just seven.

In the touching tribute, Taisce told of how Katherine was selfless and kind, and always worried about others rather than herself.

She told of how she used her time left on earth to raise awareness and money so that others could live.

Taisce said she shared the photos of her niece, who she called "Katherine The Brave", to raise awareness and funds for paediatric cancer.

She wrote: "The funding for paediatric brain cancer is almost non-existent and most of the research is privately funded."

She asked people to donate to the McKenna Claire Foundation to help increase research so "other parents don't have to go through this".

"Or if you'd like to help them directly, they have a GoFundMe they set up to help with medical expenses," she added.

In response to the campaign, Kelsea Little, spokesperson for said: "We are awed by the support pouring in for young Katherine and her family, and we wish them the best during this difficult time."

Here is the emotional post in full...

Goodbye Katherine King.

Imgur / taisce

You left us too early.

Imgur / taisce

Way before your time.

Imgur / taisce

There was still so much to do and experience.

Imgur / taisce

You had your entire life before you.

Imgur / taisce

You should have been able to go to high school.

Imgur / taisce

She should have had a boyfriend (or girlfriend).

Imgur / taisce

Gotten married.

Imgur / taisce

Had her 2.5 children.

Imgur / taisce

And had all of her dreams fulfilled.

Imgur / taisce

Instead you were given an hour glass.

Imgur / taisce

With the time you were given you raised awareness.

Imgur / taisce

Raised money for charity.

Imgur / taisce

Worried more about others than yourself.

Imgur / taisce

You wanted everyone to be happy.

Imgur / taisce

To not worry about you, you even were sure that it was your fault you were sick.

Imgur / taisce

You were kind when you could have lashed out.

Imgur / taisce

You were brave even though you had every reason to be afraid.

Imgur / taisce

You were strong even though you were allowed to be weak.

Imgur / taisce

Even as you slipped away, you never wanted others to worry.

Imgur / taisce

In a time where you could be selfish, you were selfless.

Imgur / taisce

You were loved by everyone who met you.

Imgur / taisce

You touched the lives of everyone you knew, you made them better through your own strength and love.

Imgur / taisce

Your tumour made you a prisoner inside your own body.

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You couldn't sing, you couldn't dance, you couldn't tell your family that you loved them.

Imgur / taisce

Worst of all you couldn't eat rainbow sherbet anymore.

Imgur / taisce

Or tell people that your favourite colour was rainbow.

Imgur / taisce

You were told it was okay to let go, to not suffer, to not be in pain.

Imgur / taisce

And you did, and you will be missed by so many people.

Imgur / taisce

You were loved by more than you'll ever realise.

Imgur / taisce

But, you will live forever within our hearts and our memories.

Imgur / taisce

Before You Go
