Katie Hopkins Shares 'Neo-Nazi' Praise After Claiming 'Racism Has Lost All Meaning'

Later withdraws re-tweet.

Say-anything provocateur Katie Hopkins has pulled a retweet of praise from a neo-Nazi Twitter account after prompting outrage.

The columnist - who was last month forced to apologise for a string of mistruths and defamatory claims about a British Muslim family barred from travelling to the United States - was sharing a recording of her radio show on LBC in which she said the word ‘racist’ is over-used.

During a peroration in response to a caller called Joseph suggesting she came across as “racist”, she said:

“I genuinely believe ‘racist’ as a word has been used so much. I’m sorry for the word racist in a way. I love language.”

She later later doubled down on Twitter:

Racial profiling is a good thing, call me racist. I don't care...it has lost all meaning https://t.co/lD0tCnb2Zn @LBC pic.twitter.com/Hz8Ve9cVim

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) January 2, 2017

And endorsement from an account featuring the Nazi swastika earned a re-tweet:


The share was seized on across Twitter:

Just retweeting Nazi accounts now. Hopkins has gone full batshit. pic.twitter.com/TB32Zuorg7

— Captain Kidd (@kidd_kong78) January 2, 2017

She latterly ditched the RT, explaining she didn’t “look at the Twitter handle”:

To be fair, I didn't look at the Twitter handle. I have pulled the retweet. https://t.co/eBHpymBPNI

— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) January 2, 2017

On LBC, she had said:

“I genuinely believe ‘racist’ as a word has been used so much, Joseph, I’m sorry for the word racist in a way. I love language.

“It’s become used so much, it’s like a regular word now, it’s lost all meaning to me.

“If I’m called racist, it’s just the same as someone offering me a tea or a coffee, it’s such a mundane word. I think that’s unfortunate, don’t you Joseph, when we overuse a word?”

Joseph responded:

“No, I don’t think that’s unfortunate. ‘Racist’ is used so often because it’s occurring so often.”


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