Ken Loach Accused On BBC Question Time Of Hypocrisy Over Climate And Wealth

'So are you going to cycle to New York next time you pick up your awards?'

Ken Loach came under attack from an angry audience member on Thursday night’s Question Time who accused him of hypocrisy over his wealth and views on climate change.

The veteran filmmaker spoke out aggressively against the recent government recommendation for the building of a third runway at Heathrow.

Loach gave a lengthy argument for the effect it could have on climate change and the repercussions for future generations.

Ken Loach pictured last year
Ken Loach pictured last year
John Stillwell/PA Wire

He said: “It’s inconceivable that we’ll meet our climate change target if we built another runway.

“Do people not realise that there will be no planet to leave to their grandchildren.”

Later he added: “It [a third runway] is an absolutely stupid decision, it’s unrealistic and it is disastrous.”

#bbcqt Loach on climate change. What does his so called carbon footprint look like. Utter hypocrite. Brazen contempt for ordinary folk

— Steve Stanbury (@StanburySteven) October 27, 2016

In response a gentleman in the audience questioned Loach over his own use of air travel.

The audience member who attacked Loach.
The audience member who attacked Loach.

He said: ”Ken Loach is against air travel? So are you going to cycle to New York next time you pick up your awards?

“And all the people who have got no money, are you going to give the large amount of money you’ve made from films about these people?

“You’re talking from a position of strength to a position of weakness.”

Ken Loach slapped down brilliantly by man in #bbcqt audience. You can't stand in the way of progress. #Hypocrite

— Jonathan Walters (@Jon__Walters) October 27, 2016

Shaming Ken Loach for being successful?! Is no one left wing allowed to succeed without being called a hypocrite? #ridiculousargument #bbcqt

— Philip Scott-Wallace (@pscottwallace) October 27, 2016

Loach responded to the air travel portion of the accusations but not the question about his wealth.

He said: “I’m not saying stop all air travel I’m saying we can’t build another runway. This is about increasing it.”

I suspect Ken Loach will be giving his millions to the common man tomorrow then #bbcqt


— Steve (@stevegayescort) October 27, 2016

Loach is worth around £4.1m but has spent his career highlighting the plight of the disadvantaged in society.

He appeared on the show shortly after his new film, I, Daniel Blake debuted in cinemas.

Set in Newcastle (and shown at Cannes with subtitles in case people couldn’t understand the Geordie accent), ‘I, Daniel Blake’ tells the fictional story of carpenter Daniel Blake who suffers a heart attack and is told by doctors he can no longer work.

An assessment commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) goes against medical advice and rules him too healthy to receive benefits.

Blake - who befriends the single mum shown in the clip below - is forced to hunt for jobs which he has to turn down as he is too sick.


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